Army to award Purple Heart to Fort Hood victims


Smarter than the average bear
PREMO Member
This is the right call. Those people were singled out because of who they were. US soldiers. Now if they would call it a terrorist attack instead of workplace violence, that would be the right thing to do. YMMV


Well-Known Member
PREMO Member
Hopefully, it plays out. obama and his minions just cannot stand anything that points to Islamic terrorists committing murderous acts on American soldiers, even here in the US.

Workplace violence, yeah, right.


I bowl overhand
What does this do for the wounded exactly, and let's not forget civilians can't be awarded the purple heart ? Make their wounds magically heal? The infirmed can walk again? Give them more money every month to help pay for rehab? Seriously, other than getting cool vanity plates, does this help them at all?

Politicians giving out trinkets to keep thr natives happy.. wonder what they'll give us for Manhattan?

Larry Gude

Strung Out
What does this do for the wounded exactly, and let's not forget civilians can't be awarded the purple heart ? Make their wounds magically heal? The infirmed can walk again? Give them more money every month to help pay for rehab? Seriously, other than getting cool vanity plates, does this help them at all?

Politicians giving out trinkets to keep thr natives happy.. wonder what they'll give us for Manhattan?


Wouldn't it be more productive if there were an anti award giving to whomever the dumb ####s are who make it so United States military personnel are sitting ducks on their own damn bases? I'm not calling for all troops to be locked and loaded 24/7 or even armed but no one, NO ONE should be able to get off more than a first round and not have at the very least, a BUNCH of people lining them up for a head shot and racing to see who gets the bad guy first.

There could also be a second loser award for the dumb ####s responsible for this enemy of the United States being a US solider in the first place.

We could call them the "Gorelick" awards for those who show especially poor judgment when it really hurt.


Lem Putt
What does this do for the wounded exactly, and let's not forget civilians can't be awarded the purple heart ? Make their wounds magically heal? The infirmed can walk again? Give them more money every month to help pay for rehab? Seriously, other than getting cool vanity plates, does this help them at all?

Politicians giving out trinkets to keep thr natives happy.. wonder what they'll give us for Manhattan?

Soldiers receiving the Purple Heart automatically qualify for combat-related special compensation upon retirement. They also are eligible for burial at Arlington National Cemetery.

It's something. No idea how much, but they do deserve the compensation that their service earned them.

The rehab should already be free to those injured.


I bowl overhand
It's something. No idea how much, but they do deserve the compensation that their service earned them.

The rehab should already be free to those injured.

Dependent on the state. VA it puts them in the same category (Cat3) of somebody with 10 or 20% disability for priority of care.. no mention of monetary compensatiom.. I BELIEVE only the CMH comes with monthly compensation.


I bowl overhand

Wouldn't it be more productive if there were an anti award giving to whomever the dumb ####s are who make it so United States military personnel are sitting ducks on their own damn bases? I'm not calling for all troops to be locked and loaded 24/7 or even armed but no one, NO ONE should be able to get off more than a first round and not have at the very least, a BUNCH of people lining them up for a head shot and racing to see who gets the bad guy first.

There could also be a second loser award for the dumb ####s responsible for this enemy of the United States being a US solider in the first place.

We could call them the "Gorelick" awards for those who show especially poor judgment when it really hurt.

Nothing sadder when a shooter strikes in a gun-fee zone filled with former and current Soldiers and Marines.. all trained to stop a gunman but not one allowed to be armed to prevent it.. you can have 20 cops within 5 - 20 minutes of the shooting or 150 armed trained men and women AT the shooting when it happens.

Larry Gude

Strung Out
Nothing sadder when a shooter strikes in a gun-fee zone filled with former and current Soldiers and Marines.. all trained to stop a gunman but not one allowed to be armed to prevent it.. you can have 20 cops within 5 - 20 minutes of the shooting or 150 armed trained men and women AT the shooting when it happens.

The thing that should not, can NOT be...

Just awful.


mama to two
This is going to piss Obama off, just like Boehner inviting Netanyahu to speak to Congress.

How many doors/walls have been replaced in the WH after Obama's tantrums? :tantrum:


Well-Known Member
This is the right call. Those people were singled out because of who they were. US soldiers. Now if they would call it a terrorist attack instead of workplace violence, that would be the right thing to do. YMMV

How so? By bending the rules to accomodate a certain sector because they cry foul loud enough? Does this entitle the Navy Yard people to the medal too?

AR 600-8-22, page 20