Army wants outspoken West Point cadet to pay up


PREMO Member
Army wants outspoken West Point cadet to pay up

An Army cadet who left West Point just months shy of his graduation to make a high-profile protest of religious proselytizing at the school now faces Pentagon demands that he repay the cost of his education — either through active-duty service or by paying as much as $250,000.

The notification this week that he would be hit up for the fees blindsided Blake Page, 24, who says that top leadership at West Point assured him that "recoupment" of costs for his taxpayer-funded education would be waived when he left the school in December.

The Army’s move to deny the waiver — rejecting recommendations of the three-star general who runs West Point — was within its authority, but unusual enough to raise eyebrows.


Doris Day meets Lady Gaga
PREMO Member
Well, let's see. He got his appointment to that academy somehow & there are many requirements & hoops to jump through to get there. He knew what he was getting into. He drew his line in the sand, got his consequences and now wants to whine about it. Too bad!


A proud Conservative!
Crap - Obama will just roll out another Executive Order letting the guy off the hook. We all know what the ObamaGang thinks about the military.


Well-Known Member
PREMO Member
They have his SSN. Just dock his pay from all future earnings until the debt is paid back.

He lives in Minnesota, so maybe Al Franken can take him on as a page or something.......

Forget about military service. The jerk has already shown his true colors, and would be worthless in any branch of the military. He has shown that it is about him, and not anyone else.
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Happy Creepy Ass Cracka
This guy must have read his enrollment contract when he was offered a free college education. The military academies typically do on try to recoup educational expenses if the student leaves after only two years of education. Once they start that third year, they are informed that withdrawal, (flunking out, getting thrown in prison) they have to pay back for the number of years they have been in school. Sorry, buddy. If you didn't read the paperwork, this is an optional educational benefit for you.


Doris Day meets Lady Gaga
PREMO Member
This guy must have read his enrollment contract when he was offered a free college education. The military academies typically do on try to recoup educational expenses if the student leaves after only two years of education. Once they start that third year, they are informed that withdrawal, (flunking out, getting thrown in prison) they have to pay back for the number of years they have been in school. Sorry, buddy. If you didn't read the paperwork, this is an optional educational benefit for you.

He read the paperwork. He knew full well what he was doing, as he checked it out before he was due to graduate. He thought he was going to get away with making a "bold statement".

What a waste of a military academy appointment. There are plenty of young men wanting an appointment, who are eager to serve their country, for 4 years or 20 and this is what they're accepting.

EDIT: Young men AND women, I should have said.
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New Member

"Leaders were guilty of "unconstitutional proselytism, discrimination against the non-religious and establishing formal policies to reward, encourage and even at times require sectarian religious participation."
"But the senior classman, a self-described atheist, decided to forego his diploma.

Let's see,
A free college education for a self-described atheist constitutes "discrimination against the non-religious"

The closer to graduation this joker came, the bigger the realization he could easily be assigned a COMBAT roll. It looks like he realized his atheist God was not up to the task of protecting his ass should things get hot. One thing about preparing for war is the associated deep thoughts of possibly having to prepare to meet your maker, that is if you have one!.


Well-Known Member
"Leaders were guilty of "unconstitutional proselytism, discrimination against the non-religious and establishing formal policies to reward, encourage and even at times require sectarian religious participation."
"But the senior classman, a self-described atheist, decided to forego his diploma.

Let's see,
A free college education for a self-described atheist constitutes "discrimination against the non-religious"

The closer to graduation this joker came, the bigger the realization he could easily be assigned a COMBAT roll. It looks like he realized his atheist God was not up to the task of protecting his ass should things get hot. One thing about preparing for war is the associated deep thoughts of possibly having to prepare to meet your maker, that is if you have one!.

I think you are correct. Why else would someone avail themselves of one of the finest, most thorough educations in the country, not to mention prestigious, and then quit before graduation?


Well-Known Member
The Navy suggested this guy be promoted to Admiral. I think he should sue Congress for not following the Navy's suggestions. :rolleyes:

It appears the Navy’s nomination of a one-time F-14 pilot who deliberately shot down a U.S. Air Force plane 25 years ago won’t make admiral, as the Navy had recommended. The peacetime downing of an Air Force F-4 over the Mediterranean Sea led to one of the most fascinating stories in Battleland’s career.

The disturbing case of Lieutenant Timothy Dorsey’s promotion came to a close with the end of the 112th Congress last week. Because the Senate Armed Services Committee had not acted on the Navy’s promotion recommendation before the 112th became history, the Navy would have to resubmit the nomination to the 113th Congress.

Read more: Senate Shoots Down Wayward Navy Pilot’s Promotion to Admiral |