arsenic concentrations/ hollywood deep wells


New Member
Hollywood Switches Water Source due to Arsenic
HOLLYWOOD - 1/1/2009

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The St. Mary’s County Metropolitan Commission reports that the Hollywood Water System in St. Mary’s County, was connected to the Lexington Park Water System on Tuesday, Dec. 30. Customers of the Hollywood Water System were previously served by well water from the Aquia Aquifer which contained arsenic concentrations slightly above the EPA Maximum Contamination Level of 10 parts per billion.

In 2001, EPA lowered the limit from 50 ppb to 10 ppb in response to concerns that a life time of exposure to arsenic above this level may result in increase risk of cancer, diabetes and other adverse health effects. Federal regulations require by Jan.23, 2009 all public water systems with arsenic concentrations above 10 ppb must be treated or supplied by other sources with an arsenic concentration below 10 ppb. Water now supplying the Hollywood area comes primarily from the deeper Patapsco Aquifer and arsenic concentrations in the Patapsco Aquifer are undetectable. ( this is copied from thebaynet)

Question: Should people who live in the hollywood area who private deep wells be concerned of this.


Cyber Bully Victim
Hollywood Switches Water Source due to Arsenic
HOLLYWOOD - 1/1/2009

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The St. Mary’s County Metropolitan Commission reports that the Hollywood Water System in St. Mary’s County, was connected to the Lexington Park Water System on Tuesday, Dec. 30. Customers of the Hollywood Water System were previously served by well water from the Aquia Aquifer which contained arsenic concentrations slightly above the EPA Maximum Contamination Level of 10 parts per billion.

In 2001, EPA lowered the limit from 50 ppb to 10 ppb in response to concerns that a life time of exposure to arsenic above this level may result in increase risk of cancer, diabetes and other adverse health effects. Federal regulations require by Jan.23, 2009 all public water systems with arsenic concentrations above 10 ppb must be treated or supplied by other sources with an arsenic concentration below 10 ppb. Water now supplying the Hollywood area comes primarily from the deeper Patapsco Aquifer and arsenic concentrations in the Patapsco Aquifer are undetectable. ( this is copied from thebaynet)

Question: Should people who live in the hollywood area who private deep wells be concerned of this.

CERCLIS Database | Superfund Information Systems | US EPA



Cyber Bully Victim
Nothing to see here:

"Hurricane Floyd also dumped 17 inches of rain over 24 hours on a wood treatment site in Hollywood, Maryland affecting a Superfund cleanup operation.71 The Southern Maryland Wood Treating Site produced creosote and pentachlorophenol (PCP) until it went bankrupt in 1978. Both creosote and PCP can cause cancer and liver damage. Liquid waste from the plant was stored in six unlined lagoons on the site that leaked contaminated soil and groundwater. EPA was in the midst of cleanup operations when the storm hit, flooding lagoons and filling one pit with approximately 2 million gallons of contaminated waste water. The agency was forced to amend their cleanup plan and allocate more funds to remove and treat the waste water and thousands of tons of contaminated soil."

hollywood southern maryland wood treating arsenic - Google Search