Artist hanged herself after aborting her twins


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"An artist killed herself after aborting her twins when she was eight weeks pregnant, leaving a note saying: "I should never have had an abortion. I see now I would have been a good mum."

Emma Beck was found hanging at her home in Helston, Cornwall, on Feb 1 2007. She was declared dead early the following day - her 31st birthday.

Her suicide note read: "I told everyone I didn't want to do it, even at the hospital. I was frightened, now it is too late. I died when my babies died. I want to be with my babies: they need me, no-one else does."

Artist hanged herself after aborting her twins - Telegraph


"An artist killed herself after aborting her twins when she was eight weeks pregnant, leaving a note saying: "I should never have had an abortion. I see now I would have been a good mum."

Emma Beck was found hanging at her home in Helston, Cornwall, on Feb 1 2007. She was declared dead early the following day - her 31st birthday.

Her suicide note read: "I told everyone I didn't want to do it, even at the hospital. I was frightened, now it is too late. I died when my babies died. I want to be with my babies: they need me, no-one else does."

Artist hanged herself after aborting her twins - Telegraph

the why the hell did she do it ..... brainwashed by the system


New Member
I think a lot of women who have abortions have guilt issues afterward.

I believe many of these issues are ignored by planned parenthood and the kill-crazy NOW crowd.

Then again there are women who murder their fetus's multiple times and think no more of it than taking an ex-lax to void their bowels.

They probably belong to the NOW crowd.