Artrial fibrillation


Well-Known Member
Was wondering if anyone here has exprienced this and what their doctors treatment was. OHG exprienced it this past weekend and spent 2 days in the hospital, atrial fibrillation is when the 2 upper chambers of the heart beat very rapidly and out of sync with the 2 lower chambers which constricts the blood from flowing smoothly through the heart which can cause clotting and possibly a stroke should a clot occur. Taking medication now and have a echocardigram later today. Its a kind of scary thing when this happens to you with no prior heart problems and until you get completely checked out your afraid to do too much in fear of the old ticker going bonkers again.:shrug:


loving life
Was wondering if anyone here has exprienced this and what their doctors treatment was. OHG exprienced it this past weekend and spent 2 days in the hospital, atrial fibrillation is when the 2 upper chambers of the heart beat very rapidly and out of sync with the 2 lower chambers which constricts the blood from flowing smoothly through the heart which can cause clotting and possibly a stroke should a clot occur. Taking medication now and have a echocardigram later today. Its a kind of scary thing when this happens to you with no prior heart problems and until you get completely checked out your afraid to do too much in fear of the old ticker going bonkers again.:shrug:

Sorry you had to go thru that. Sister had something like that 3 yrs ago. Takes meds and keeps blood work up with stress test. You can always get a second op from another Dr. My Mom has Tachcardia and makes her heart race. Kinda like a snake her heart is like a black snake when that happens scares you ,but won't kill you. Meds keep that under control for her.

Keep us updated OHG,
From an OHGirl.


OHG that is so sad to hear I came on today to see if anyone knows of anywhere that is offering support groups to people that have had heart issues. Hubby had a massive heart attack 2 weeks ago and had a pump beating for him for a couple of days now due to damage he is unable to pump the fluid out of lungs blood thinners and other things are helping but......

If anyone knows where there is some support groups available I would appreciate it.


Well-Known Member
OHG and Nana

sorry to hear of your health issues. :flowers: for you both

OHG, if meds don't work, it is possible they may have to shock your heart back into a normal rhythm. My Aunt has had to have this done several times. She always feels much better afterwards, although the procedure itsself is somewhat not comfortable.

Hope you feel better soon.


I eat red meat
Was wondering if anyone here has exprienced this and what their doctors treatment was. OHG exprienced it this past weekend and spent 2 days in the hospital, atrial fibrillation is when the 2 upper chambers of the heart beat very rapidly and out of sync with the 2 lower chambers which constricts the blood from flowing smoothly through the heart which can cause clotting and possibly a stroke should a clot occur. Taking medication now and have a echocardigram later today. Its a kind of scary thing when this happens to you with no prior heart problems and until you get completely checked out your afraid to do too much in fear of the old ticker going bonkers again.:shrug:
Lot's of people get this and if meds don't straighten it out they could always give you a pacemaker to help you with that rythm problem, after all atrial fibrillation is Latin for "white boy ain't got no rythm". j/k Hope all works out for you with the least envasive solution.


Was wondering if anyone here has exprienced this and what their doctors treatment was. OHG exprienced it this past weekend and spent 2 days in the hospital, atrial fibrillation is when the 2 upper chambers of the heart beat very rapidly and out of sync with the 2 lower chambers which constricts the blood from flowing smoothly through the heart which can cause clotting and possibly a stroke should a clot occur. Taking medication now and have a echocardigram later today. Its a kind of scary thing when this happens to you with no prior heart problems and until you get completely checked out your afraid to do too much in fear of the old ticker going bonkers again.:shrug:

How are you feeling this week? I am learning that this is a good day bad day thing hope today is a good day:love:


Well-Known Member
How are you feeling this week? I am learning that this is a good day bad day thing hope today is a good day:love:

Thanks for asking :buddies: feeling much better, Sunday was the turn around day, up till then felt tired all the time, Sunday I helped with cutting 4 yards, took it easy, did the things like riding the mower and using the blower no grunt work. Have followup visits to the doctors early next week.


loving life
Thanks for asking :buddies: feeling much better, Sunday was the turn around day, up till then felt tired all the time, Sunday I helped with cutting 4 yards, took it easy, did the things like riding the mower and using the blower no grunt work. Have followup visits to the doctors early next week.

:howdy:Glad to hear your feeling better. Keep us posted on what your follow up is:buddies:


Happy Camper
Thanks for asking :buddies: feeling much better, Sunday was the turn around day, up till then felt tired all the time, Sunday I helped with cutting 4 yards, took it easy, did the things like riding the mower and using the blower no grunt work. Have followup visits to the doctors early next week.

:huggy: Glad you're feeling better!!

Southern Belle

New Member
Was wondering if anyone here has exprienced this and what their doctors treatment was. OHG exprienced it this past weekend and spent 2 days in the hospital, atrial fibrillation is when the 2 upper chambers of the heart beat very rapidly and out of sync with the 2 lower chambers which constricts the blood from flowing smoothly through the heart which can cause clotting and possibly a stroke should a clot occur. Taking medication now and have a echocardigram later today. Its a kind of scary thing when this happens to you with no prior heart problems and until you get completely checked out your afraid to do too much in fear of the old ticker going bonkers again.:shrug:

I had it and almost died from it. I had to have emergency heart surgery and then another operation 1 week later. I was flown to Georgetown and stayed about 1 month. My condition was diagnosed WPW (Wolfe Parkinson Syndrome). This was approximately 18 yrs ago. I've been fine ever since. If I was you, i'd make an appt with Washington Hospital Center.