Ashcroft Out?


Active Member
One thing about being sick, I got to watch the President's press conference today. From the way he talked, he was going to moving away from the extreme right, and has some fresh ideas. He wouldn't go into the Cabinet, but all accounts say Ashcroft is on the way out. I hear Powell wants to leave also. Fox News was saying that perhaps he may tap Daschle for a position. What are the guesses on who will be out and who will stay?


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
Aimhigh2000 said:
Fox News was saying that perhaps he may tap Daschle for a position.
When pigs fly.

Ashcroft is out because he's had enough. Wouldn't you, after 4 years of nastiness and attacks? Plus, these guys work so hard that they burn out after awhile. Happens with every President.


I'd be greatly surprised if he gave Daschle a position.


Active Member
I agree

Ashcroft kinda disappeared before the elections, but there was talk on the news circuit about him leaving (if) Bush won. I thought it was odd that they (the news channels) were throwing Daschles name around. After a week being home sick, I am going to miss the daily news shows. I like FoxNews and MSNBC the best. I wonder how long Powell is going to hang around. I would vote for him if he ran for President.


I would fully be behind Bush if he decided to give Tom a cabinet position. I would find that as a good gesture.

I would love to see Ashcroft gone. He gets on every one of my last nerves.

Ken King

A little rusty but not crusty
PREMO Member
Ashcroft might truly want to leave, but he serves at the pleasure of the President and I bet if GW asks him to stay on he will stay. Just so no one thinks there is something up with the administration you can expect each and every appointee to tender their resignation in the next weeks. Bush will turn down the ones for those he wants to stay.


New Member
vraiblonde said:
Ashcroft is out because he's had enough. Wouldn't you, after 4 years of nastiness and attacks? Plus, these guys work so hard that they burn out after awhile. Happens with every President.

His health isn't good either.
Former Deputy Attorney General Larry Thompson, White House Counsel Alberto Gonzales and former Montana Gov. Marc Racicot are the names being thrown about. Wouldn't be surprised if Jim Gilmore's name came up again.