SMCM Asst. Prof. Eden Published in The Oxford Research Encyclopedia of Asian History

Asst. Prof. Eden Published in The Oxford Research Encyclopedia of Asian History Michael Bruckler May 29, 2019 - 3:45 pm
May 29, 2019
Jeffrey Eden pictured

Assistant Professor of History Jeff Eden had a new article published in “The Oxford Research Encyclopedia of Asian History” (New York: Oxford University Press, 2019). “Slavery in Islamic Central Asia” examines slavery in Islamic Central Asia from the 16th century, when a significant number of Iranian war-captives were brought north and enslaved during the course of numerous armed conflicts between the Central Asian Uzbeks and Iranian Safavids, through the 19th century, when the region was home to tens of thousands of Shiʿa Muslim, Russian, Armenian, and Kalmyk slaves. The article is available for free online at

[ This article originally appeared here ]