Asylum / Migrant Issues


PREMO Member
🔥🔥 From the land of terrible ideas, the Associated Press ran a story yesterday headlined, “Half a million immigrants could eventually get US citizenship under a sweeping new plan from Biden.” The AP can’t count. But that’s beside the point.

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Widely teased over the weekend, yesterday’s gala White House event was supposed to announce a DACA-like expansion of America’s unenforced immigration laws. The notion was that after “cracking down” (not) on the Southern Border to mitigate one election-year crisis, Biden balanced it out to satisfy his outraged democrat base, for whom no amount of illegal immigration will ever be enough.

But the reality of Biden’s newest policy was, like the Commander in Chief’s shrunken-apple head, diminished. The new policy, which will take effect after the elections, will provide some illegals with “parole in place,” but only for people who entered illegally over ten years ago and married U.S. citizens. It has a cutoff of last Monday, so people who hit the ten-year mark today don’t qualify.

In other words, it makes naturalization slightly easier for ten-year non-citizens who are already married to citizens. All in all, it’s a pretty thin slice, and more of a political stunt than any DACA-like “expansion.” Still, it’s exactly the kind of creeping expansionism Republicans warned everyone about back when DACA passed.

The AP trotted out a couple eye-opening examples of people benefitting from the new policy. One gentleman, Foday Turay (if that is his real name), is a DACA border-jumper from Sierra Leone, never naturalized, married to a citizen, and a federal assistant district attorney in Philadelphia. Every single day, the AP assured readers, Foday and his wife fret that he could be deported any minute now.

But! Foday is a federal assistant district attorney in Philadelphia. In other words, this illegal immigrant — allegedly at imminent risk of deportation — is working as an attorney for the Department of Justice prosecuting American citizens. And illegal immigrants. Like himself. I mean, what the actual heck?

Anyway. During the event, which “celebrated” Obama’s historic expansion of illegal immigration, Biden tore into Trump, calling him all kinds of names, like racist, sexist, homophobic, xenophobic, and poopy-pants. President Trump was not amused. At yesterday’s rally in Racine, Wisconsin, Trump promised, “When I’m reelected, Joe Biden’s illegal amnesty plan will be ripped up and thrown out on the very first day that we’re back in office.” Then Trump pointed out mushy headed Biden is dumber than an above-average yellow squash.

You can thank George W. Bush for the “parole in place” process. The Bush Administration invented it for illegal immigrants related to military servicemembers. So Team Biden just expanded the Bush-era policy beyond the military. Legal challenges are likely.
