AT hiker body found after 2 years


Smarter than the average bear
PREMO Member
Some nutbag journalist tried to link her disappearance to the Navy SERE school that is located close by. The article implied she was captured and tortured by trainees. Here's a link to their dribble. it's a conspiracy

The Maine Warden Service believes it has found the remains of an Appalachian Trail thru-hiker who has been missing for more than two years and doesn’t suspect her death resulted from foul play.The skeletal remains of Geraldine Largay were found Wednesday in a wooded area about 3,000 yards off the trail two or three miles from where she was last seen in July 2013, authorities said Friday.



Power with Control
Unlike the author, I have known and served with hundreds of people who have attended the "torture camp". Been myself, a few of my biddies have been instructors. . Nobody is ever left alone. Groups may think they are alone, even during that final evasion. But everything is more tightly controlled than students think.


Well-Known Member
The initial search for her was featured on an episode of 'Northwoods Law', iirc it runs on NatGeo. Glad they finally found her.


Well-Known Member
3000 yards off the trail ? Not quite two miles. Way lost or murdered. There are parts of the trail that if you go too far off you can get very lost without map and GPS when I walked the trail.


Beloved Misanthrope
PREMO Member
3000 yards off the trail ? Not quite two miles. Way lost or murdered. There are parts of the trail that if you go too far off you can get very lost without map and GPS when I walked the trail.
Never understood that because if you just keep walking in a straight line of any direction you will eventually reach somewhere there are people.

Following a body of water, stream, river etc. was always another.


Power with Control
Never understood that because if you just keep walking in a straight line of any direction you will eventually reach somewhere there are people.

Following a body of water, stream, river etc. was always another.

Having taken a four day advanced evasion course there, it can be quite easy to not be able to maintain a straight line even.


Well-Known Member
Especially when near on a ridgeline. I have been lost once off the AT it was not fun. I had to wait until morning to find my way back to the trail. I did have a fire though.