At last, a real Andy Rooney e-mail


Asperger's Poster Child

ROONEY: I heard from God just the other night. God always seems to call at night. 'Andrew,' God said to me — he always calls me Andrew. I like that — 'Andrew, you have the eyes and ears of a lot of people. I wish you'd tell your viewers that both Pat Robertson and Mel Gibson strike me as wackos. I believe that's one of your current words. They're crazy as bedbugs,' another earthly expression. 'I created bed bugs, and I'll tell you they're no crazier than people. Let me just say,' God said to me, 'that I think I'd remember if I'd ever talked to Pat Robertson and I'd remember if I said Bush would get re-elected in a blow-out. As far as Mel Gibson goes, I haven't seen his movie "The Passion of the Christ" because it hasn't opened up up here yet.'


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
Mel Gibson used to be a hot Hollywood leading man - voted Sexiest Man Alive by People. Then he makes one little religious film and they turn on him like a pack of dogs.

This is the peril of conservativism or Christianity in Hollywood - it will cost you your career.

My question to Mel Gibson is how many million dollars does it look as if you're going to make off the crucifixion of Christ?
This comment in particular makes me see red. Those bastards have made money off of everything from child molestations to the deaths of our service men and women. Plus "Passion" is hardly the first film ever made about Jesus. Anyone remember "The Last Temptation of Christ"? :duh:

So I WILL see Passion - but I'm going to be skipping most other movies. I just can't take the hypocrisy anymore.


Asperger's Poster Child
Originally posted by vraiblonde
Anyone remember "The Last Temptation of Christ"?

Haven't seen either that or "Passion". With Scorcese's movie and with "Monty Python's Life of Brian", it was the same thing--critics slammed the films without seeing them, based on others' rumors and distortions.

No one can seem to make a film about religion without pizzing people off. (And the Python movie wasn't even about Jesus.) I wonder if Gibson and Scorcese ever felt like banging their heads against the wall, and screaming, "Just leave me the hell alone and let me make my movie, for crying out loud!"

BTW, one reason I posted the Rooney info was because he's a fairly conservative guy (not as much as Limbaugh, certainly) who is apparently willing to criticize Pat Robertson.


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
BTW, one reason I posted the Rooney info was because he's a fairly conservative guy
Tonio, where did you get that idea? Andy Rooney is a liberal Democrat - he says so over and over in his commentaries. He has never defended or approved of one single conservative policy or value ever, that I'm aware of. He used to praise Bill Clinton to high heaven and disparage Ken Starr, Monica Lewinsky and the rest because it's THEIR fault his hero, Billy, got in trouble.

Cheez 'n crackers! Good thing you have me here to straighten you out!!! :lol:


Asperger's Poster Child
Originally posted by vraiblonde
Tonio, where did you get that idea? Andy Rooney is a liberal Democrat - he says so over and over in his commentaries. He has never defended or approved of one single conservative policy or value ever, that I'm aware of. He used to praise Bill Clinton to high heaven and disparage Ken Starr, Monica Lewinsky and the rest because it's THEIR fault his hero, Billy, got in trouble.

Maybe I got that idea from a few installments where he criticized political correctness.


My favorite religious film is still Dogma. I think that really strikes at the heart of how some take religion too seriously.


Asperger's Poster Child
Originally posted by Bruzilla
My favorite religious film is still Dogma. I think that really strikes at the heart of how some take religion too seriously.

I loved Dogma too, and I'm not even Catholic. I think Kevin Smith was using satire to say that spirituality is more important than doctrine.