At least somebody had a good lunch!


Watch it
Yeah I agree, but kinda stupid on the family's part if they already knew the dog was being stalked and they let it out there and left it unattended. :shrug:

That was my first thought. My second thought was how the kids were watching their dog be eaten. I can only hope they told their kids to go inside so they don't have to pay for therapy later. :lmao:

nobody really

I need a nap
Yeah I agree, but kinda stupid on the family's part if they already knew the dog was being stalked and they let it out there and left it unattended. :shrug:

really, and esp if they found the snake in the dogs bed - a sure sign it was being stalked. If i found a snake in my bed, that would be my first thought. STALKER


really, and esp if they found the snake in the dogs bed - a sure sign it was being stalked. If i found a snake in my bed, that would be my first thought. STALKER

No, your first thought would be to make dang sure that snake isn't going to get you or get in again! What boggles my mind is the fact they knew that snake was out there but let their kids and their dog play out there unattended. Or at least long enough to get strangled and partially swallowed! :duh:


That was my first thought. My second thought was how the kids were watching their dog be eaten. I can only hope they told their kids to go inside so they don't have to pay for therapy later. :lmao:

Who knows :shrug: the kids may have said COOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOL while they watched the snake do it's thang! :lmao: