AT&T Subscribers


Isaiah 55:8-9
How's your service?
Do you get many dropped calls?

I've been a VZW subscriber for well over 10 years and I'm considering going to AT&T.

VZW has astronomical fees and I can't afford $350 (bundled with home and internet) for 2 phones on a 700 minute plan w/ warranty and $30 each unlimted data pkg. and $20 month per phone for texting.

Now that I'm ready to upgrade the want to charge per data usage and not a flat $30 unlimted..


New Member
Wirelessly posted

atrusomder said:
How's your service?
Do you get many dropped calls?

I've been a VZW subscriber for well over 10 years and I'm considering going to AT&T.

VZW has astronomical fees and I can't afford $350 (bundled with home and internet) for 2 phones on a 700 minute plan w/ warranty and $30 each unlimted data pkg. and $20 month per phone for texting.

Now that I'm ready to upgrade the want to charge per data usage and not a flat $30 unlimted..

I switched from Verizon to AT&T last October. The service is no worse. Still drop the occasional call but I did with Verizon too, the dead spots just moved :lol:

I pay less too, I got a 2gig data plan for $10 and I've not come even close to that. Only thing is I can't stream on 3G otherwise I'll go over. I can utilize any unsecured wireless network (and secured if i ha e the PW) and not have to even use 3G. (get an iPhone, it's safer). Only thing is that service is slightly spotty near DC; more 'traffic'. I live in southern St. Mary's co.


aka Mrs. Giant
I used to have AT&T (well I started out with Celluar One and the contract got bought out by AT&T).

My experience was my cell worked DC, Annapolis, etc, but when I hit St Mary's county at the 4 light, my calls dropped and my phone didn't work anymore.

I lived in the Leonardtown area and sometimes my phone would ring in the evenings when I was home and all I would have would be static when I answered. Then I moved to the Ridge area, stopped commuting up the road to DC and I had NO phone service - not at work nor at home...ok there was a small window of coverage on the side of 235 if I pulled over and held my arm out the window...and leaned over to the side. Otherwise nothing.

Finally I broke down and canceled my service. When I called AT&T, dreading my service cancellation fee, the rep waived the fee and everything, because the closest cell towers to me that were used by AT&T were in VA and DE. The rep told me straight up that I was outside the area of coverage for them and that they do not have any cell towers in our area.

Now, that being said, it was 2 years ago, but I have no plans to go back to AT&T.


New Member
How's your service?
Do you get many dropped calls?

I've been a VZW subscriber for well over 10 years and I'm considering going to AT&T.

VZW has astronomical fees and I can't afford $350 (bundled with home and internet) for 2 phones on a 700 minute plan w/ warranty and $30 each unlimted data pkg. and $20 month per phone for texting.

Now that I'm ready to upgrade the want to charge per data usage and not a flat $30 unlimted..

i have gone back and forth between both and am pretty happy with ATT. the service was about the same, its jsut a matter of where the dead spots are.

FWIW, if you do not have good reception at your house ATT will give you a router type thing to plug into your computer that allows your phone to work whenever you are near home. its really a pretty good work around if home is the only place you dont have service. (that used to be my problem but they have since put up a new tower.)


New Member
I switched to AT&T 2 years ago due to the CS that Verizon offered. I prefer the CS at AT&T over Verizon. I live in Breton Bay and work in Wildewood. My parents both live in the area and I have great coverage there too...One on Medley's Neck and the other in the Park. I had good coverage south of SMC also when I worked down there at Webster. The only dead spot that I have noticed is at work in the building. I walk outside and I have great coverage. That is the only downside for me but then again, if I did have a signal in my building, I would be a hell of a lot less productive due to the addictive games that I have on my iPhone. HA


Only happy When It Rains
How's your service?
Do you get many dropped calls?

I've been a VZW subscriber for well over 10 years and I'm considering going to AT&T.

VZW has astronomical fees and I can't afford $350 (bundled with home and internet) for 2 phones on a 700 minute plan w/ warranty and $30 each unlimted data pkg. and $20 month per phone for texting.

Now that I'm ready to upgrade the want to charge per data usage and not a flat $30 unlimted..
This statement is not correct. As long as you were on an unlimited plan before July 7th then you will be granfathered in for the unlimited plan.


New Member
What are thoughts on Page Plus Cellular? It was recommended to check in to - we're in Calvert and disgusted w/Verizon's costs. TIA.


You're all F'in Mad...
Verizon and AT&T basically charge the exact same prices. No gain by switching.


Isaiah 55:8-9
This statement is not correct. As long as you were on an unlimited plan before July 7th then you will be granfathered in for the unlimited plan.

Yes, you are correct! I found that out tonight. I'm grandfathered in for the unlimited plan :)

Looks like I'm going to be with verizon another two years- am upgrading to the iphone :yahoo:


Isaiah 55:8-9
Thanks for all your input.
Gonna stick with Verizon and get the iPhone and upgrade my plan to 1400 minutes with unlimted texting.