At the end of the day...



"At the end of the day my faith brings me peace and serenity, so I don't fear the future. I can only try to find a path to make it better. But ultimately, as a sheepdog, I see many wolves among us. Worse yet, I see the weak sheep protecting these wolves, while the wolves sit back and salivate for their opportunity."
-A Quiet Professional


Having Fun!
"At the end of the day my faith brings me peace and serenity, so I don't fear the future. I can only try to find a path to make it better. But ultimately, as a sheepdog, I see many wolves among us. Worse yet, I see the weak sheep protecting these wolves, while the wolves sit back and salivate for their opportunity."
-A Quiet Professional

Wonderful quote and quite thought-provoking. Those darn weak sheep just tick me off something fierce. That's when both versions of the Serenity Paryer come in handy -- you know, the regular one and the "joke" one about hiding the bodies?

Perhaps when we can get back to teaching cultural literacy in our schools, then we can get back to teaching the fables that were designed to teach us how to see through these things. There are definite reasons that the "Wolf in Sheep's Clothing" was written to educate people. :coffee:

Thanks for being a sheepdog -- many of us appreciate it and don't say thanks nearly often enough!