ATF: Importability on certain shotguns



Not only does this have the makings of a ban on certain shotguns, it also becomes a reference for tightened regulations and firearms import bans. If you shoot IPSC, UPSSA, etc... take note... you will just love this language

Some of the language in the document:
While the 1989 and 1998 studies considered all rifles in making their recommendations, these
studies first identified firearm features and subsequently identified those activities believed to
constitute a legitimate “sporting purpose.” However, in reviewing the previous studies, the
working group believes that it is appropriate to first consider the current meaning of “sporting
purpose” as this may impact the “sporting” classification of any shotgun or shotgun features.
example, military shotguns, or shotguns with common military features that are unsuitable for
traditional shooting sports, may be considered “particularly suitable for or readily adaptable to
sporting purposes” if military shooting competitions are considered a generally recognized
sporting purpose. Therefore, in determining the contemporary meaning of sporting purposes, the
working group examined not only the traditional sports of hunting and organized competitive
target shooting, but also made an effort to consider other shooting activities.

In particular, the working group examined participation in and popularity of practical shooting
events as governed by formal rules, such as those of the United States Practical Shooting
Association (USPSA) and International Practical Shooting Confederation (IPSC), to determine
whether it was appropriate to consider these events a “sporting purpose” under § 925(d)(3).
While the number of members reported for USPSA is similar to the membership for other
shotgun shooting organizations,6 the working group ultimately determined that it was not
appropriate to use this shotgun study to determine whether practical shooting is “sporting” under
§ 925(d)(3). A change in ATF’s position on practical shooting has potential implications for rifle
and handgun classifications as well. Therefore, the working group believes that a more thorough
and complete assessment is necessary before ATF can consider practical shooting as a generally
recognized sporting purpose.

The working group agreed with the previous studies in that the activity known as “plinking” is
“primarily a pastime” and could not be considered a recognized sport for the purposes of importation.7 Because almost any firearm can be used in that activity, such a broad reading of
“sporting purpose” would be contrary to the congressional intent in enacting section 925(d)(3).
For these reasons, the working group recommends that plinking not be considered a sporting
However, consistent with past court decisions and Congressional intent, the working
group recognized hunting and other more generally recognized or formalized competitive events
similar to the traditional shooting sports of trap, skeet, and clays.


yes this study impacts your shotgun that has been modified for home defense purposes... that includes putting a flashlight on your walmart special

In reviewing the shotguns used for those activities classified as sporting purposes, the working
group examined State hunting laws, rules, and guidelines for shooting competitions and shooting
organizations; industry advertisements and literature; scholarly and historical publications; and
statistics on participation in the respective shooting sports. Following this review, the working
group determined that certain shotgun features are not particularly suitable or readily adaptable
for sporting purposes.
These features include:
(1) Folding, telescoping, or collapsible stocks;
(2) bayonet lugs;
(3) flash suppressors;
(4) magazines over 5 rounds, or a drum magazine;
(5) grenade-launcher mounts;
(6) integrated rail systems (other than on top of the receiver or barrel);
(7) light enhancing devices;
(8) excessive weight (greater than 10 pounds for 12 gauge or smaller);
(9) excessive bulk (greater than 3 inches in width and/or greater than 4 inches in depth);
(10) forward pistol grips or other protruding parts designed or used for gripping the
shotgun with the shooter’s extended hand.


so is this all shotguns or are old units grand fathered

any rate WTF ...


so is this all shotguns or are old units grand fathered

any rate WTF ...

this is intially intended to restrict the importation of certain shotguns... and in no way took into account the right to self defense... and has the makings to become to be another building block, as it sets ground work for stricter public gun control including:

redefining what "sporting purposes" is (and not just shotguns but also rifles and handguns)

banning certain features/attachments not just found on imported shotguns but also those items currently made/sold in the USA


I had submitted a comment on the shotgun study last month. Today I received an email back from the U.S. DOJ/BATFE thanking me for my response, and that it will help them "support the firearms industry".

I'm interested in their definition of supporting the firearms industry and how further regulations could possibly do this.


"Typical White Person"
The ATF is so full of botches in it's history how are they even still a department of government? The latest was the straw purchase set up right on the Mexican border, yeah couldn't see how that one didn't work out for them. Big bunch of dummies.


Silence!!! I Kill You!!!
I just read the part of the 5 rd mag...could you imagine IPSC / USPSA limited to 5 rounds?? Even the Revolver shooters would lose a round!


I love Texas Road House
is 5 rounds for an external magazine similar what is found on a Saiga shotgun or would this apply to something as simple as a Mosberg 500 that holds 8 rounds.

If it applies to all shotguns would you be forced to put plugs in your existing shotguns.


is 5 rounds for an external magazine similar what is found on a Saiga shotgun or would this apply to something as simple as a Mosberg 500 that holds 8 rounds.

If it applies to all shotguns would you be forced to put plugs in your existing shotguns.
According to the study, the round restriction applies to any currently owned or future imported shotguns (includes Saiga)

Here is a link to updates on this from NRA-ILA
NRA-ILA | BATFE Modifies Shotgun Import Ban Study, Still Gets It Wrong

In an update to the shotgun importation study, the BATFE determined that it will no longer consider forward pistol grips or integrated rail systems as features barring importation. To justify its change of opinion on forward pistol grips, BATFE stated, "there is a convincing argument that this feature is generally recognized as particularly suitable for or readily adaptable to sporting purposes because it permits accuracy and maneuverability even for activities such as bird hunting or skeet shooting." The update also mentions public comments explaining the importance of forward pistol grips for disabled shooters. BATFE goes on to explain that its determination of forward pistol grips as sporting necessitates their acceptance of integrated rail systems, as rail systems are the primary way in which shooters mount forward pistol grips.

However, gun owners shouldn't confuse BATFE's shift on these features with a newfound respect for Second Amendment rights. The reversal is couched in language justifying the change under the "sporting purposes" test and most of the update is dedicated to justifying the agency's previous report.

The NRA 32 page document made to BATFE in April 2011 concerning the original working group's findings:

and here is the link to the BATFE updates (2JULY2012):

Second, the 2011 report has not resulted in the denial of any of the most popular shotguns that were previously approved for importation. For example, concerns that the Saiga shotgun would be prohibited from importation based upon the 2011 report are unfounded. As currently imported, the Saiga contains none of the nonsporting features discussed in the report.

Based upon the above, the criteria in the 2011 report are hereby revised to read as follows:
(1) Folding, telescoping, or collapsible stocks;
(2) bayonet lugs;
(3) flash suppressors;
(4) magazines over 5 rounds, or a drum magazine;
(5) grenade-launcher mounts;
(6) light enhancing devices;
(7) excessive weight (greater than 10 pounds for 12 gauge or smaller);
(8) excessive bulk (greater than 3 inches in width and/or greater than 4 inches in depth).