Atheist West Point Cadet Quits


PREMO Member
Atheist West Point Cadet Quits the Academy, Citing ‘Christian Proselytizing’ & ‘Criminal’ Constitutional Violations

Blake Page, a former West Point cadet, quit attending the prominent U.S. military academy this week, citing Christian proselytizing and the promotion of prayers and religion. Just shy of graduation, which was just months away, the 24-year-old is now speaking out against faith in the armed forces. He made the shocking announcement that he is leaving the institution on The Huffington Post.

Blake described his current situation as follows:

As I write this, I am five months from graduation. After nearly three and a half years here, there is no reason to suspect that I would be in any way incapable of completing the final requirements and walking across the stage in Michie Stadium with diploma in hand in another 174 days. Choosing to resign at this point also carries significant risk. The Army may seek recoupment in the form of about $200-300k which I will personally owe, or an additional term of up to 5 years of enlisted service. What could possibly compel me to pass over this incredible opportunity in exchange for such harsh penalties?

While there are certainly numerous problems with the developmental program at West Point and all service academies, the tipping point of my decision to resign was the realization that countless officers here and throughout the military are guilty of blatantly violating the oaths they swore to defend the Constitution. These men and women are criminals, complicit in light of day defiance of the Uniform Code of Military Justice through unconstitutional proselytism, discrimination against the non-religious and establishing formal policies to reward, encourage and even at times require sectarian religious participation.

not sure what to say here ........ good riddance the military doesn't need a quitter - if He cannot handle some Christians, how would he handle leading a platoon of men ....


New Member
He appears to be accepting the consequenses of his decision so I see no reason to be judgemental about the whole thing. He doesn't want to be there with a seemingly valid reason why, and he is by no means obligated to stay, all the while he is aware that he will have to pay back what was given to him.


I always hated all that religious stuff in the military, too, but as an enlisted, I didn't question it, I just did what I was supposed to do. Training to be a leader in the form of an officer, though, I would think is a little different when it comes to questioning things, challenging things.
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Obama destroyed America
He's an idiot. 5 months to go? I hope they make him pay the $200-300K back.


I bowl overhand
He's an idiot. 5 months to go? I hope they make him pay the $200-300K back.

Actually, from the article I read he was in the Army when he went to West Point.

If you fail out or drop out the Army could, and does, require you to fulfill your requirement in the enlisted ranks, IF you came into the Academy FROM the enlisted ranks.

They'd 'promote' him to E-4 and put him in an MOS of the Army's choosing not his, and being a Sr the normal payback is 2 years for every one of school so he SHOULD be looking at over 6 years of service as an EM..


Obama destroyed America
Actually, from the article I read he was in the Army when he went to West Point.

If you fail out or drop out the Army could, and does, require you to fulfill your requirement in the enlisted ranks, IF you came into the Academy FROM the enlisted ranks.

They'd 'promote' him to E-4 and put him in an MOS of the Army's choosing not his, and being a Sr the normal payback is 2 years for every one of school so he SHOULD be looking at over 6 years of service as an EM..
As long as he fulfills the obligation somehow. Being stupid should hurt.


In My Opinion
Actually, from the article I read he was in the Army when he went to West Point.

If you fail out or drop out the Army could, and does, require you to fulfill your requirement in the enlisted ranks, IF you came into the Academy FROM the enlisted ranks.

They'd 'promote' him to E-4 and put him in an MOS of the Army's choosing not his, and being a Sr the normal payback is 2 years for every one of school so he SHOULD be looking at over 6 years of service as an EM..

and if thats not bad enough... he will have to deal with Christians praying in the birthing areas of the ship he gets assigned to.


New Member

"Your ass belongs to the corp" Boy do I know that! Thanks for posting, brought back a lot of memories.
For those that may not know,Ronald Lee Ermey plays the roll of a Marine Drill Instructor so well is because he was a Marine Drill Instructor. The real thing for sure!
However he wasn't a Gunny until On May 17, 2002, he received an honorary post-service promotion to Gunnery Sergeant (E-7) from the Commandant of the Marine Corps General James L. Jones in recognition of his continuing support to Americans in military service, a rank consistent with Ermey's character as Gunnery Sergeant Hartman in Full Metal Jacket.

In my years in the corps, one thing I will never forget. There was never a lot of JFC this or JFC that or God Da_m this or that. We all knew our time was limited on this earth and eventually we would all have to stand at attention before the ultimate commander in chief. As soon as a curse was uttered, another Marine would correct the offender and everyone would agree, you don't cuss in my Corps. Especially so in the officer's ranks. That constitutes total disrespect for the Commander in Chief.
The only derogatory words out of the DI was f___got, maggot, slimeball, turd etc and they were directed at us.
One of the funniest events was standing for inspection. At the last moment, before falling out, we all brushed the dust off our weapons with a clean paint brush. One boy from Louisiana apparently got a bristle caught in the receiver and it was highly visible in the sun of the parade deck. The DI inspector claimed it was a "pubic hair" and that this Louisiana boy was "f___king" his rifle. I never worked so hard to keep from rolling over in laughter while this poor kids face turned bright purple as he clumsily tried to deny it.
This was all done in front of the entire platoon by a screaming, going berserk, drill instructor. Oh the memories.!


New Member
"Your ass belongs to the corp" Boy do I know that! Thanks for posting, brought back a lot of memories.
For those that may not know,Ronald Lee Ermey plays the roll of a Marine Drill Instructor so well is because he was a Marine Drill Instructor. The real thing for sure!
However he wasn't a Gunny until On May 17, 2002, he received an honorary post-service promotion to Gunnery Sergeant (E-7) from the Commandant of the Marine Corps General James L. Jones in recognition of his continuing support to Americans in military service, a rank consistent with Ermey's character as Gunnery Sergeant Hartman in Full Metal Jacket.

In my years in the corps, one thing I will never forget. There was never a lot of JFC this or JFC that or God Da_m this or that. We all knew our time was limited on this earth and eventually we would all have to stand at attention before the ultimate commander in chief. As soon as a curse was uttered, another Marine would correct the offender and everyone would agree, you don't cuss in my Corps. Especially so in the officer's ranks. That constitutes total disrespect for the Commander in Chief.
The only derogatory words out of the DI was f___got, maggot, slimeball, turd etc and they were directed at us.
One of the funniest events was standing for inspection. At the last moment, before falling out, we all brushed the dust off our weapons with a clean paint brush. One boy from Louisiana apparently got a bristle caught in the receiver and it was highly visible in the sun of the parade deck. The DI inspector claimed it was a "pubic hair" and that this Louisiana boy was "f___king" his rifle. I never worked so hard to keep from rolling over in laughter while this poor kids face turned bright purple as he clumsily tried to deny it.
This was all done in front of the entire platoon by a screaming, going berserk, drill instructor. Oh the memories.!

Whoa, I had the total opposite experience in the Marine Corps. Every other word was a cuss word. F words most common, followed by a pretty equal combination of GD and JFC. I, personally, very rarely cuss - not a judgement thing, I just like to use those words sparingly for extra emphasis - and I'm not religious and it even got to me at times. Hearing, like, 7 f-words in a single sentence is as annoying as talking to someone that can't seem to spit out what they're trying to say. I can only imagine how the religous Marines hated it. No one ever shut anyone up either. Weird.


New Member
Whoa, I had the total opposite experience in the Marine Corps. Every other word was a cuss word. F words most common, followed by a pretty equal combination of GD and JFC. I, personally, very rarely cuss - not a judgement thing, I just like to use those words sparingly for extra emphasis - and I'm not religious and it even got to me at times. Hearing, like, 7 f-words in a single sentence is as annoying as talking to someone that can't seem to spit out what they're trying to say. I can only imagine how the religous Marines hated it. No one ever shut anyone up either. Weird.

I'm talking back in the 70's. Things have changed a lot. There are tatooed gangs now in the Marine Corps, so sad.
And it wasn't a "religious thing" No one was offended by all the F words etc. It was the taking God's name for no freaking reason that got peoples goat.Like I said, you don't curse out the Commandant of the Marine Corps and get away with it. Then you certainly don't curse out the ultimate Commander. Like I said this was more prevalent in the Officer's ranks.


Well-Known Member
and if thats not bad enough... he will have to deal with Christians praying in the birthing areas of the ship he gets assigned to.

They don't let people give birth on ships. They get transferred to shore-based hospitals for that kind of thing.

Unless you mean they're praying for another immaculate conception.


New Member
I'm talking back in the 70's. Things have changed a lot. There are tatooed gangs now in the Marine Corps, so sad.
And it wasn't a "religious thing" No one was offended by all the F words etc. It was the taking God's name for no freaking reason that got peoples goat.Like I said, you don't curse out the Commandant of the Marine Corps and get away with it. Then you certainly don't curse out the ultimate Commander. Like I said this was more prevalent in the Officer's ranks.

Hm, yeah, we're representing two totally different experiences. Interesting.