Atlanta Hawks Racist owner?


Well-Known Member
PREMO Member
I haven't watched the racist NBA for twenty years, and I will continue not to. What a ridiculous reason to force someone to sell their share just for simply pointing out observable facts. The nba is certainly racist - toward non-blacks.


New Member
A businessman trying to make an honest analysis to improve profitability of of his business to survive the economic crunch is now a freaking racist! Enough of this political correctness bull####! And they wonder why companies are moving elsewhere between the constant bullying from the Union thugs and and PC Nazi's!


the poor dad
This is complete horse ####, the guy wants to make more money and that is all.

Just read about this today in the post and couldn't believe what I was seeing! Just read the full email in your link - no where do I see any racist remarks, just a business man with some observations on how to improve his business. This crap needs to stop - to think a man has to sell his business because he is not allowed to talk about or make changes to improve it due to some PC BS!