Atlanta's richest neighborhood Buckhead pushes for SECESSION


PREMO Member
Atlanta's richest neighborhood Buckhead pushes for SECESSION and its own police force as city-wide crime explosion sees murders soar 80%: Footage emerges of rifle-wielding robbers attack wealthy resident on their doorsteps

Residents in a wealthy Atlanta community are trying to create their own police force as part of a push for secession as the city is rocked by a crime wave with murders up 80 percent so far this year.

The Buckhead Exploratory Committee, made up of residents of the city's richest neighborhood of Buckhead, are looking to break away from the city in the wake of a surge in violent crime that has left people 'genuinely concerned for their safety.'

In recent months, home surveillance footage captured the moment a man sprinted to reach the safety of his home as a car pulled up with a man brandishing a rifle.


Mayor Keisha Lance Bottoms admitted in December she doesn't know how to stop the alarming wave of violence and is 'open to suggestions.'



Well-Known Member
Atlanta Georgia.
A Democrat black run city.
Buckhead ------------a community of rich or well to do whites and blacks.

Willie Sutton once said he robbed banks because that is where the money is.
I am pretty sure that is why the perpetrators of crimes in Buckhead go to that part of town.
Of course when you throw in get Whitey and get the Buckhead Uncle Tom's you get a good view of what is going on.

A combination of going where the money is , jealousy of those with wherewithal, racial hate, and lenient Judges and a media that encourages all of the above.


Well-Known Member
Maybe Sherman was right when he burned Atlanta, it appears we need him to come back and do it again.
Or maybe we can just wait and watch the Atlantans do it themselves.
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My son moved to Georgia almost 6 yrs ago. Talking to his neighbors who had been there longer, they explained that the city of Atlanta kept expanding into these more affluent areas to keep increasing their tax base. Thus having more money to blow on their helping the poor projects.


PREMO Member
Atlanta May Be Headed for a Final Divorce as Communities Nationwide Seek to Redraw the Lines

Buckhead, a portion of Atlanta, Georgia, is looking to break free from the rest of a city in rapid decline. After decades of increased safety that started ahead of the 1996 Olympic Games in Atlanta, it took one woman and a single summer to ruin it. Not even New York City Mayor Bill de Blasio can beat Mayor Keisha Lance Bottoms’ time for running a city into the ground. It took de Blasio two terms. Bottoms has been so spectacular she’s announced she won’t even run for a second one.

As a result of her rank incompetence, Buckhead, a wealthier section of Atlanta with about 100,000 residents, has decided to control its own destiny. There are two bills in the state legislature to affect the split, and the group has raised the required amount of money to move forward. Buckhead is petitioning to become wholly independent and establish and enlarge their own police force under different leadership.

Tucker Carlson interviewed Bill White, the leader of the movement to create an independent Buckhead. White told Tucker that residents feel as if they are living in a war zone. They are filing for divorce, according to White, and it will be final. He expects there will be an initiative on the ballot in 2022. If it is successful, Atlanta will lose at least 20% of its tax base.
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Atlanta’s Upscale Neighborhood Funds Much Of The City. Targeted By Crime And Ignored By Politicians, Residents May Declare Independence.

Buckhead has 20% of Atlanta’s residents but 40% of the taxable property values that make up the city’s main income source.

The notion of seceding from Atlanta appears to have been first proposed in 2008 by the Fulton County Taxpayers Foundation, which disseminated a newsletter that blared, “Forming The City of Buckhead Would Result In A Reduction of Taxes By Over 50%.”

“Buckhead residents pay much higher taxes than our surrounding neighbors, while receiving fewer services,” the now-defunct group wrote. “Buckhead taxpayers are simply tired of having our votes and money taken for granted by the City of Atlanta.”


“I think it is a terrible idea. I think it sends the wrong message,” Atlanta Mayor said in April of the proposal. “I understand the frustration, but creating a new city is not the answer.”

Ginger Howard, Georgia’s Republican National Committeewoman, said she moved her upscale women’s apparel shop in Buckhead to a side street because of rising crime.

“It makes me really sad,” she told The Daily Wire. “In these major cities that are run by Democrats the crime is going to continue to increase if they don’t support our police.” She said she strongly supports the movement for Buckhead to form a new city with its own police force.


Well-Known Member
There's a lot of upscale housing in Buckhead and 2 other areas Fulton County reached into to increase its tax base, Milton & Roswell.


Well-Known Member
My son moved to Georgia almost 6 yrs ago. Talking to his neighbors who had been there longer, they explained that the city of Atlanta kept expanding into these more affluent areas to keep increasing their tax base. Thus having more money to blow on their helping the poor projects.

Is that a thing that a city can just do on it's own? Hey Mr. Suburbs, you belong to us now. No, you don't get a vote you should have thought of that before you moved to an unincorporated area.

(If they did vote to join, then sucks for them).


Well-Known Member
Is that a thing that a city can just do on it's own? Hey Mr. Suburbs, you belong to us now. No, you don't get a vote you should have thought of that before you moved to an unincorporated area.

(If they did vote to join, then sucks for them).

Its Fulton County that expanded which includes the city of Atlanta.


Well-Known Member
Its Fulton County that expanded which includes the city of Atlanta.

They did this in Tucson a while back, moved the city limits out like 25 miles (towards Benson) to capture all the unincorporated areas along the freeway (which just so happened to be fairly affluent little suburbs).