Yep, owned my own router and modem for years. My real question is "is Atlantic/Metrocast better than/comparable to DirectTV, both price and quality."
Wow, well DTV doesn't bundle internet and phone.
ABB / Metrocrap doesn't offer NHL Center Ice and some of the other sports packages that are licensed to DTV.
What I have seen as far as TV service is
1. ABB Organization of channels is dumb. DTV has local channels on their numbers (i.e. 4 on 4, 7 on 7, etc.)
They also put both the HD and SD on the same #, you can set a default. You can also turn off the showing of duplicsate SD channels
2. ABB seems to be much more expensive for TV than DTV. Very few channels unless you are into the garbage (home shopping etc) channels.
Thinking about it, I believe wiht the package I had with DTV I had more HD channels than I do channels iwth ABB for about the same price, but without the internet. So the "basic" internet and tv package from ABB was the same price as the almost fully loaded DTV.
- We have an annoying "pulse" with ABB that after 5 attempts they can't seem to get outo f the system. It has to do with some "feature" but that "feature" disrupts the video / audio on the main TV.
- I think DTV, for the equivalent package, would be cheaper than ABB. DTV has a whole house system simliar to ABB, one DVR but all the rooms have access to the main box. (TiVO is the standard format for the DVR).
I lied, DTV can be bundled with an AT&T cell plan. There are some interesting mobile upgrades wiht that.
But If you want internet too, ugh, I have no idea what saves money,
Oh, DTV has it's problems. Heavy rain / snow and your signal can be interrupted. Customer service seems to have slip[ped under the guidance of AT&T.