Either you didn't read the article I linked to yesterday, or you are sneakily talking about the Army alone.rraley said:Hell we can't even reach our goals for current troop strength.
rraley said:Yeah Bru is right on this; so what if we increase troop strength on paper by 100,000; that still requires recruitment and right now there is no way we can reach that level. Hell we can't even reach our goals for current troop strength.
czygvtwkr said:Sure you can you just up wave a nice fat enlistment bonus, offer minor felons that have a chance at rebilitating a chance to exponge their records, offer something better than the GI bill to go to college, relax the physical reqirements some, recruit for noncombat roles only and offer those currently in the job a large bonus/promotion to move to a combat role. There are quite a few things they could do, especially if the job market is as bad as some democrats say it is.
Man, you and Bruzilla really are thinking alike.rraley said:I wonder how much all of this will cost...
rraley said:To the person who said I didn't read the whole linked article... we need people in the Army.
rraley said:I wonder how much all of this will cost...plus I don't think that it seems to matter.
To the person who said I didn't read the whole linked article...we don't need more people in the Navy, Air Force, and Coast Guard. We need people in the Army, they are the ones seeing almost all of the action in today's war.
Bustem' Down said:The thing is it fuctuates too much. Right now the Navy is hurting in some ratings so they increase bonuses and such, but my rating right now is overmanned. My rating people will get out and they are decreasing bonuses so in a few years we will be short again. Overall, I get the feeling that the Navy is overmanned. They've implemented all these new orders to thin us out.
Gooseneck said:The Marines would take exception with that statement.
Marines are under the Dept of the Navy. Never call a Marine army, you might as well have punched his momma in the mouth!rraley said:I've always considered the Marines to be part of the Army...to me they seem to have more similarities with infantry than with the Navy...so no disrespect intended. But the thing is that the Marine Corps is having one of the worst times at recruiting because they are indeed consistently on the front lines.
Ouch that sucks, I squeezed in and got my $45,000, but it's now down to like 5,000, and for a technical rate, that doesn't keep people in.Bruzilla said:I feel your pain! My rating was undermanned for years... right up until my re-enlistment came up. The SRB that had been $16,000 for years suddenly dropped to less than $3,000, just in time for me to raise my right hand.
rraley said:I've always considered the Marines to be part of the Army...