The Jackoholic
thinning out the tards
just kidding
i have a problem with both my burner and CD ROM drives. when i start my computer up they both work but when i use them 1 time they stop working. example: i just got a video game that requires me to load multiple disks but after the first one loads it asks for the second. i open the drive, put in the next disk, it starts to spin, stops and the game keeps asking for the next disk. now when i go to browse for the disk in one of the two drive it tells me D: is not accessible, incorrect function. can anyone help with this problem
i have a problem with both my burner and CD ROM drives. when i start my computer up they both work but when i use them 1 time they stop working. example: i just got a video game that requires me to load multiple disks but after the first one loads it asks for the second. i open the drive, put in the next disk, it starts to spin, stops and the game keeps asking for the next disk. now when i go to browse for the disk in one of the two drive it tells me D: is not accessible, incorrect function. can anyone help with this problem