attention computer geeks!

The Jackoholic

thinning out the tards
just kidding:razz:

i have a problem with both my burner and CD ROM drives. when i start my computer up they both work but when i use them 1 time they stop working. example: i just got a video game that requires me to load multiple disks but after the first one loads it asks for the second. i open the drive, put in the next disk, it starts to spin, stops and the game keeps asking for the next disk. now when i go to browse for the disk in one of the two drive it tells me D: is not accessible, incorrect function. can anyone help with this problem


Routinely Derailed
The Jackoholic said:
just kidding:razz:

i have a problem with both my burner and CD ROM drives. when i start my computer up they both work but when i use them 1 time they stop working. example: i just got a video game that requires me to load multiple disks but after the first one loads it asks for the second. i open the drive, put in the next disk, it starts to spin, stops and the game keeps asking for the next disk. now when i go to browse for the disk in one of the two drive it tells me D: is not accessible, incorrect function. can anyone help with this problem
I don't know the right answer, but I would do a defrag if I were in your position. Freaky things like that seem to happen when my hard drive gets fragged (especially OS files).

Ken King

A little rusty but not crusty
PREMO Member
Go into your device manager, and uninstall the devices from there. Now reboot your system, and let Windows redetect them. You might need to reinstall an updated driver.


New Member
Did you buy this computer from a retailer? Sometimes, both drives are on the same ide cable. One has to be a master, the other, slave. They cannot be the same.

The Jackoholic

thinning out the tards
Railroad said:
I don't know the right answer, but I would do a defrag if I were in your position. Freaky things like that seem to happen when my hard drive gets fragged (especially OS files).
did that last week

<TABLE class=tborder cellSpacing=1 cellPadding=6 width="100%" align=center border=0><TBODY><TR title="Post 1275881" vAlign=top><TD class=alt1 align=middle width=125>Ken King</TD><TD class=alt2>Go into your device manager, and uninstall the devices from there. Now reboot your system, and let Windows redetect them. You might need to reinstall an updated driver.</TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE>
doing that now i'll see if it works


i would make sure your drives got their jumpers on the right settings, one as Master and other as Slave (how original!). remember that the connector to the drive on the end of the ribbon cable is Master, and the connector in the middle is for the Slave drive, of course the other end goes to the motherboard. other than that, make sure that in your BIOS, all your drives are set to AUTO (detect), or in this case, if that dont work, set them to CDROM (should already be there).

to isolate, i would start at unplugging power to both of them (turn power supply off first lol) and set the jumper on each one to master, and plug it in on the master end to see if it works ok, then do that to the other drive to verify its OK. after you verify that both are good, then its just a matter of deciding you want to be the master or slave when you put both of them on the ribbon cable


Pitty Party
The Jackoholic said:
just kidding:razz:

i have a problem with both my burner and CD ROM drives. when i start my computer up they both work but when i use them 1 time they stop working. example: i just got a video game that requires me to load multiple disks but after the first one loads it asks for the second. i open the drive, put in the next disk, it starts to spin, stops and the game keeps asking for the next disk. now when i go to browse for the disk in one of the two drive it tells me D: is not accessible, incorrect function. can anyone help with this problem

One word Jack!

Linux! :lol:


The Jackoholic

thinning out the tards
i think i might have found the problem. i have something that loaded on start up called INCD, i deleted it a got through half my load up when i realized the 2nd disk was damaged so of to the store tomorrow to get it replaced.