Attention Gore Fans


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
This means you, Maynard and DemsforMd! I have a question and I'm being totally serious:

What is it you like so much about Gore?

Seriously. My favorite aunt is a big fan of Gore but when I ask why, she just says she likes him. Is it a Manchurian Candidate thing? What do you like about this guy? Hell, I liked Clinton better than Gore - so I'm curious what someone would see in him.


Asperger's Poster Child
Well, since he announced yesterday that he's not a candidate in 2004, hopefully he'll keep a low profile for a few years.

I think Gore comes across as a know-it-all. Democrats are willing to overlook that, but Republicans pounce on that like sharks on chum.


endangered species
Jeez Bru, chill out!

vrai posted the question at 11;47 last night, and you're b*tch slappin' us at 8 this morning. Jeez!.

I see Gore as being smart, experienced, and dedicated to public service. I don't want to go having to dig around for a bunch of quotes, but he mostly expresses a perspective I agree with. Just lately for example;

- Although war with iraq may be inevitable, now does not appear to be the right time. Get some help, get some intelligence, be consistent with international law. (Bush seems to be coming around to this now.)

- Current economic policies are failing. Need to go in a different direction. (Bush may be adopting this as well.)

"I think Gore comes across as a know-it-all. I'm not nearly as concerned with appearances as I am with what I think someone will DO. And of all the possible appearance problems, "know it all" is among the least important. "Know nothing" might be pretty important, though.

More later.

Originally posted by Bruzilla
Funny that there's been no replies from the Left.:biggrin:


Asperger's Poster Child
Re: Jeez Bru, chill out!

Originally posted by MGKrebs
I'm not nearly as concerned with appearances as I am with what I think someone will DO. And of all the possible appearance problems, "know it all" is among the least important. "Know nothing" might be pretty important, though.

Maynard (if I can borrow vrai's nickname for you), my point was that candidates from both parties often come with emotional baggage. Certain things about those people push voters' buttons. They could sing the National Anthem in a perfect tenor and would still be booed.

This is a condition of a lot of famous people. Hillary Clinton and Oprah Winfrey push people's buttons because they are so self-obsessed. Lizzie Grubman and Winona Ryder do because they fit the stereotype of the young, rich and spoiled.
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endangered species
I agree, and

It's a little sad that we place so much of a premium on looks and "style". If someone has the whole package, that's great, but they don't come around too often. And if someone doesn't have the "style", we never really get to the message. And if you have the right style, we'll buy into pretty much any message.

(i'm not talking about y'all (except Kyle :smile: ) or anyone who pays more attention to politics than the normal mainstream.)


New Member
Here's why I like Gore...I saw him as Clinton without the baggage of doing everything with two legs. I also liked him because I understand that he is just trying to make everyone like him. I see trying too hard as a virtue, not a vice. I loved his ambition, if I had it, hell I might be a senator or the president (it was my dream until I got married and my dear wife said no elective politics for you). I liked him because no one else really gave him a shot (you need to understand, I was always the guy on the playground that would talk to the small kid that no one liked). So, that's why I liked him. And his positions are virtually in lockstep with mine...except on the environment and gun control.