willie said:
No, I just purposely identified the problem. Cutting cost at the expense of the customers health.
Different problem...
The entire food industry is using these ingredients, though; they can be found in restaurant foods or in your supermarket's freezer. As Vrai said, people go where the food is good, which creates demand... if there was enough demand for trans-fat free foods the restaurants would accomodate. Look at last year's Atkins revolution; food producers and restaurants didn't need the government to tell them to reduce carbs.
willie said:
There doesn't have to be a taste difference...
When I spoke of foods becoming more bland I was alluding to Pete's original post. If the Food Police have their way we will end up eating boring foods. It is distressing to look at a package's ingredient list and see a littany of things I do not recognize; our pre-processing and preserving practices have become kind of extreme. But the battle to remove everything
bad from our national diet is absurd as well.
You know, many of the folks who reach the centarian milestone live in places like Italy and China, where they eat foods that are supposedly
bad. Those folks are better off, however, because they intake moderate portions that are prepared naturally. That is a considerably better option than living to one or another extreme then hoping that your doctor can save you later.