Attention Parents


I'm the Boss of Me
Apprently being a member of the PTA is now a qualification for being vice president....

Get your Resume's ready for 2012....

Heh, the conservative brain thrust is very weak these days....

Sen. McCain, of all the candidates you considered, what drew you to her?
JOHN: Obviously, I found her to be very intelligent and very well-versed on the issues. But I think the important thing was that she's a reformer. She's taken on special interests since she ran for the PTA and the city council and mayor. The courage, I guess, is what most impressed me.


My Sweetest Boy
Apprently being a member of the PTA is now a qualification for being vice president....

Get your Resume's ready for 2012....

Heh, the conservative brain thrust is very weak these days....

Sen. McCain, of all the candidates you considered, what drew you to her?
JOHN: Obviously, I found her to be very intelligent and very well-versed on the issues. But I think the important thing was that she's a reformer. She's taken on special interests since she ran for the PTA and the city council and mayor. The courage, I guess, is what most impressed me.



Apprently being a member of the PTA is now a qualification for being vice president....

Get your Resume's ready for 2012....

Heh, the conservative brain thrust is very weak these days....

Sen. McCain, of all the candidates you considered, what drew you to her?
JOHN: Obviously, I found her to be very intelligent and very well-versed on the issues. But I think the important thing was that she's a reformer. She's taken on special interests since she ran for the PTA and the city council and mayor. The courage, I guess, is what most impressed me.

Let's see... someone who is connected to Tony Rezco, Rev. Wright and Williams Ayres and hires a DC insider already corrupted


a war hero that hires someone that has volunteered for the sake of our kids... hmmm... tough decision.:coffee:


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
Keep it up, Forestal.

I hope with all my heart the Democrats take up this line of attack and blast it all over the media, everywhere they can get it. And I hope they phrase it exactly the way Forestal is phrasing it.



I agree, it shows clearly who the "down to earth" candidate really is. She has run for elected office 4 times and won from PTA to governor and has a long history of grass roots community service with a record.

She is the candidate of the people!


I am so very blessed
Sen. McCain, of all the candidates you considered, what drew you to her?
JOHN: Obviously, I found her to be very intelligent and very well-versed on the issues. But I think the important thing was that she's a reformer. She's taken on special interests since she ran for the PTA and the city council and mayor. The courage, I guess, is what most impressed me.

So really, the party of "Change" is the Republicans? Is this the point you are tyring to make?


Lovin' being Texican
Don't ask Frosty a direct question...

So really, the party of "Change" is the Republicans? Is this the point you are tyring to make? makes him all cross-eyed and then he drools at the mouth.


Highlander's MPD
Apprently being a member of the PTA is now a qualification for being vice president....

Get your Resume's ready for 2012....

Heh, the conservative brain thrust is very weak these days....

Sen. McCain, of all the candidates you considered, what drew you to her?
JOHN: Obviously, I found her to be very intelligent and very well-versed on the issues. But I think the important thing was that she's a reformer. She's taken on special interests since she ran for the PTA and the city council and mayor. The courage, I guess, is what most impressed me.

It's going to be fun watching you squirm from now til November. It's going to be a long few months for you but I'm sure we'll enjoy your babbling. When McCain wins, what will you do?


It's going to be fun watching you squirm from now til November. It's going to be a long few months for you but I'm sure we'll enjoy your babbling. When McCain wins, what will you do?

The only way McCain could possible win is steal the election. At least that's how it will play out.


No Use for Donk Twits
Actively participating in community activities gives one perspective and grounding to a person. One who knows the concerns of parents with children in the education system is important, even if Forestool wants to deride it. It also shows the people with whom one wants to associate. So here's your choice: a PTA leader or community organizer who shows people how to get free government handouts?


New Member
Actively participating in community activities gives one perspective and grounding to a person. One who knows the concerns of parents with children in the education system is important, even if Forestool wants to deride it. It also shows the people with whom one wants to associate. So here's your choice: a PTA leader or community organizer who shows people how to get free government handouts?

I suppose it boils down to wanting a good education for your kids or free Gubmint cheese. There are Democrats who will go for the cheese every time.


If Barrack picked her (or someone with the same qualifications) you guys would have a field day.
I actually like her.


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
If Barrack picked her (or someone with the same qualifications) you guys would have a field day.

Why do you say that when you have no proof?

Governors have historically been elected President significantly more often than Senators. The last Senator that was elected Prez was JKF; since then we've had LBJ (sitting VP), Nixon (former VP), Ford (sitting VP), Carter (Governor), Reagan (Governor), Bush (sitting VP), Clinton (Governor), Bush (Governor).

Notice a trend?


..if momma ain't happy...
I agree, it shows clearly who the "down to earth" candidate really is. She has run for elected office 4 times and won from PTA to governor and has a long history of grass roots community service with a record.

She is the candidate of the people!

If you've never been a PTA president, you have no clue how tough a job that can be...

dealing with parents and their "angels" is not a fun job, certainly no easier than dealing with a bunch of fool senators...