Attitude in Action


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We have a real motivation to serve and that was Jesus’ love on our behalf. We can see that the people at Philippi were having people problems because they were having great difficulty when it came to their labor of love. We feel like we’ve taken a beating sometimes when it comes to our dealing with other people. Enduring pain for the deliverance of others. Do we willingly take that beating? Another wards, enduring on another’s behalf, there’s an element of fatigue of weariness. Philippians 4:5, our labor of love should be recognizable that’s what Paul is saying here. It should be the defining characteristic of our life as others see our life. Should be obvious to all who knows us. Philippians 4:6-7, what has the context been thus far? Has it not been a labor of love in Philippi and how they were failing at that labor of love? Has it not been the difficulty some believers were having with other believers in that city? Has it not been the conflict that had caused a lost of joy for those people? It’s important to know that Paul has not abandoned the context as he comes to these passages. The issue remains the very same issue it’s been along in this epistle. Paul is simply providing the solution when those who are having problems with their labor of love. Be careful for nothing...don’t be full of cares. Be care empty. Stop fretting. Stop stewing over having our own interest served. Do we always have to have things our way? Is it always our way or the highway. 

Understand love (agape) has much more to do with attitude in action than it has to do with emotions, direction that does what’s in the best interest of another individual. Our labor of love under the Age of Grace has had the apprehension aspect removed entirely. We should be extremely relieved to know that God’s not using our labor of love to determine our worthiness for heaven. We know sins have been taken off the table. We’re to serve others today based on how God expressed his love to others through Jesus and what he accomplished for them, who he made them and us to be in our Savior by joining us to our Savior. We serve others today motivated by appreciation in the fact that God loves them. Jesus died for them. We are ambassadors left here for the purpose of reaching them. We’re intricately joined to them just as we’re joined to the Savior the very instance they believe the good news message that Paul proclaimed in his ministry of reconciliation. So we can look at others through new perspective.