Attorney General Attorney General’s Independent Investigations Division Investigating Police-Involved Shooting


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BALTIMORE, MD (February 20, 2022) - On February 19, 2022, at approximately 3:15 p.m., officers with the Baltimore Police Department’s Mobile Metro Unit (MMU) were working a carjacking/robbery detail in the Northeast District when the officers observed a vehicle of interest in the 3200 block of Hillen Road in Baltimore City. As the officers approached the vehicle, it accelerated forward and two officers discharged their firearms. The driver, who had been struck by the gunfire, exited the car under his own power. Officers rendered aid until medical personnel arrived.

The driver, an adult male, was transported to an area hospital where he was later pronounced dead.

The Independent Investigations Division will generally release the name of the decedent and involved officers within 48 hours of the incident, although that period may be extended if there is a specific reason to believe that an officer’s safety is at risk.

Body-worn cameras were active at the time of the incident. The video may be released in accordance with Baltimore Police Department and Independent Investigations Division policies.

The Independent Investigations Division of the Attorney General’s Office, the Baltimore Police Department, and the Maryland State Police continue to investigate this incident.

The Maryland General Assembly, in Senate Bill 600, passed a law mandating that the Office of Attorney General investigate all police-involved fatalities in the State of Maryland beginning October 1, 2021. These investigations are conducted by the office’s Independent Investigations Division, in conjunction with the Maryland State Police. The OAG and BPD have reached an agreement to allow for the Attorney General’s investigation while still allowing BPD to meet the investigatory obligations of its federal consent decree.


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Investigative Report Released for February 2022 Fatal Officer-Involved Shooting in Baltimore City

BALTIMORE, MD (January 17, 2023)
– The Independent Investigations Division (IID) of the Office of the Attorney General today released its investigative report of the February 19, 2022, fatal officer-involved shooting in Baltimore.

On February 19, 2022, at approximately 3:15 p.m., officers with the Baltimore Police Department’s Mobile Metro Unit were working a carjacking/robbery detail in the Northeast District when they identified a car whose registered owner had multiple open warrants. Officers followed the car and attempted a traffic stop in the area of Tivoly Avenue, but the vehicle did not immediately stop, and the officers lost sight of it. Officers soon located the vehicle and saw its driver, Donnell Rochester, on foot in the 1800 block of Chilton Street. As officers got out of their vehicles, Mr. Rochester ran back to his car and got in the driver’s seat. As officers ran towards the car, it began moving forward toward Officer Connor Murray, who was running down the center of Chilton Street. Officer Murray and Officer Robert Mauri both fired their weapons at Mr. Rochester’s car. One shot struck Mr. Rochester in the side of the chest. The car stopped several houses down Chilton Street, and Mr. Rochester got out with his hands raised. Officers handcuffed Mr. Rochester, then provided medical aid until an ambulance arrived to take him to the hospital, where he was pronounced dead.

The IID concluded its investigation on July 27, 2022, and forwarded its investigative report to the Baltimore City State’s Attorney’s Office on August 3, 2022. The State’s Attorney’s Office announced its decision not to prosecute the case on January 12, 2023.

The IID’s report contains detailed investigative findings and an analysis of relevant legal issues. Because the Baltimore City State’s Attorney’s Office—not the IID—retains prosecution authority in this case, the report does not make any recommendations as to whether any individual should or should not be charged. A copy of the IID’s investigative report can be found here.

By law, the IID’s report must remain confidential until any related prosecution is completed or the State’s Attorney’s Office declines to prosecute. If the local State’s Attorney decides to prosecute the matter, the IID will release the report, with appropriate redactions for confidentiality, within 30 days of a final judgment of all defendants in the case. If the local State’s Attorney declines to prosecute, the IID will release the report, with appropriate redactions for confidentiality, within 30 days of that determination.