Attorney General Attorney General Anthony Brown’s Statement on Maryland Supreme Court Decision on Digital Ad Tax

State’s Highest Court Reverses Lower Court Decision that Struck Down Digital Ad Tax

BALTIMORE, MD (May 9, 2023)
– Today the Supreme Court of Maryland reversed the judgment of the Circuit Court for Anne Arundel County, which had struck down Maryland’s digital ad tax. The digital ad tax provides critical funding for Blueprint for Maryland’s Future, which is intended to transform Maryland’s education system to world-class student achievement levels.

“I applaud the Supreme Court for acting quickly because the revenues generated by this tax will help us provide our children the best education possible for success,” said Attorney General Brown. “The digital ad tax will support our collective goal of transforming schools across the State. It will help level the playing field so that underserved communities will have access to quality educational opportunities enjoyed by our highest performing schools.”

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Maryland Chamber of Commerce and Maryland Tech Council issue statement on Maryland Supreme Court Ruling regarding digital ad tax

Annapolis, Md. -
On May 9, 2023, the Maryland Supreme Court issued a procedural ruling regarding the state's first-in-the-nation tax on digital advertising. The ruling did not address the substantive arguments or the constitutionality of the case but instead sent the case back to the Circuit Court to vacate the decision stating that the plaintiffs “failed to exhaust their administrative remedies.”

The Maryland Chamber of Commerce and the Maryland Tech Council previously opposed the digital ad tax legislation. If allowed, the law would levy a first-in-the-nation tax that would impact Maryland businesses of all sizes that utilize online advertising. This legislation puts Maryland businesses at a competitive disadvantage by making online advertising more expensive here than in 49 other states and could ultimately result in the loss of business investment and growth in the state.

As the voices and representatives of thousands of businesses of all sizes and types across Maryland, the Maryland Chamber of Commerce and the Maryland Tech Council look forward to the next steps, where the merits of the arguments regarding the constitutionality of this harmful legislation will be thoroughly examined. This ruling is not the end of our opposition to this legislation, and we remain committed to advocating for policies that promote growth and opportunity for all Maryland businesses.

About the Maryland Chamber of Commerce

The Maryland Chamber of Commerce is the only statewide business advocacy organization and the leading voice for business in the state. Together with their 6,800+ members, they form a statewide coalition that is committed to ensuring that Maryland is attracting and retaining quality jobs, developing vibrant, sustainable communities and staying at the forefront of global competitiveness and economic prosperity. Learn more.

About the Maryland Tech Council

The Maryland Tech Council (MTC) is a collaborative community that is actively engaged in building strong technology and life science industries by supporting the efforts of our individual members. We are the largest technology and life sciences trade association in the state of Maryland, and we provide value by giving members a forum to learn, share, and connect. MTC brings the region’s community together into a single, united organization that empowers our members to achieve their business goals through advocacy, networking and education. The vision for the Maryland Tech Council is to propel Maryland to become the number one innovation economy for life sciences and technology in the country. Follow us at, LinkedIn, Facebook, Twitter, and Youtube.