St. Mary's Co. August 23 Commissioner Meeting Rollup

Editor Editor
Staff member
PREMO Member
LEONARDTOWN, MD – The Commissioners of St. Mary's County held their regular business meeting in the Chesapeake Building Tuesday, Aug. 23, 2022, with the invocation and pledge, followed by approval of the consent agenda.

The Commissioners then presented a Proclamation in honor of Women’s Equality Day and Commendations to local Special Olympics 2022 USA Games participants. Photos from the presentations made be viewed on the St. Mary’s County Government Flickr page.

The Commissioners adopted a Text Amendment proposed by the Department of Land Use & Growth Management amending Chapter 285 of the Code of St. Mary’s County, Maryland. by adding several new types of industrial class of uses for medical cannabis growers and processors, and the commercial class for dispensaries.

The Commissioners held a Public Hearing for the County Attorney’s Office to consider the amendment of Ch. 267 of the Code of St. Mary's County, Maryland. The amendment will provide an exemption from the St. Mary's County Transfer Tax. Additional public comments on this topic will be accepted through 5 p.m. Tuesday, Aug. 30, 2022.

The Commissioners directed the Department of Finance to allocate $85,000 to the St. Mary's Soil Conservation District in place of a request to raise fees.

The Department of Economic Development requested and received approval toreallocate $25,000 of preapproved funding to hire an on-site contract worker to assist in managing The Barns at New Market.

The Commissioners accepted a request from the Department of Information Technology to enter into a Memorandum of Understanding with the Board of Education to connect 21 public school student addresses to the internet using a $334,000 grant from the Maryland Emergency Education Relief fund.

The Department of Recreation and Parks presented requests to receive the Childcare Stabilization Fund Grant award of $38,915 and a Governor's Child Care Stabilization Grant Program Round 3 grant for $35,000 from the Maryland State Department of Education. The Commissioners approved the requests, and funding will go toward the school-age care programs operating at Hollywood Recreation Center, Evergreen Elementary, Duke Elementary, Lettie Dent Elementary and Chesapeake Public Charter School.

The Commissioners also approved the Program Open Space Development and Capital Renewal Application and Project Agreement for the John Baggett Park Playground replacement for $300,000 and the Program Open Space Planning Grant Application and Project Agreement in the amount of $25,000 for the development of the 2027 Land Preservation, Parks and Recreation Plan.

The Department of Public Works & Transportation received approval for a request for two easement acquisitions in support of the Buck Hewitt Road Phase 4 project, including curb, gutter and sidewalk improvements.

A budget amendment of $140,000 to provide additional funding for necessary improvements at the Clements Convenience Center was approved by the Commissioners.

Budget amendments of $335,000 to decrease the Sheriff’s Headquarters Facility project and increase the District 1 Sheriff’s Office project were approved. The funding realignment will cover costs for force protection improvements at the District 1 building.

The Commissioners approved a lease agreement with Bird Dog Bistro to provide food service in the St. Mary's County Regional Airport Terminal.

The Commissioners voted to allocate $3,500,000 from the American Rescue Plan Act to fund continued broadband expansion in St. Mary’s County.

The next Commissioner business meeting will be in the Chesapeake Building at 9 a.m. Tuesday,
Aug. 30, 2022. Commissioner decisions and related public documents are available on the county government website in BoardDocs. Commissioner Meetings may be viewed live Tuesday mornings on SMCG Channel 95 or as a replay Friday nights at 6:30 p.m. Meetings are also available for on-demand viewing on the St. Mary's County Government YouTube Channel.