Aurora/Radiation Storm


Beloved Misanthrope
PREMO Member
EXTREME SOLAR ACTIVITY: One of the most powerful solar flares in years erupted from giant sunspot 486 this morning at approximately 1110 UT. The X17-category explosion caused a strong and ongoing solar radiation storm. Click here to learn how such storms can affect our planet. The explosion also hurled a coronal mass ejection (CME) toward Earth. When it left the sun, the cloud was traveling 2125 km/s (almost 5 million mph). This CME could trigger bright auroras when it sweeps past our planet perhaps as early as tonight.

Tonight and tomorrow morning might be the best chance in years.

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New Member
Re: Re: Re: Aurora/Radiation Storm

Originally posted by Kyle
That may be a little too hot to handle even for her.
:yeahthat: Besides, I wasn't the one that was able to swindle 0 % interest financing...:bubble:


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Staff member
PREMO Member
Originally posted by Kyle
This CME could trigger bright auroras when it sweeps past our planet perhaps as early as tonight.

Cool :cheers: but it's cloudy tonight so I'll look tomorrow.