Auto-Brewery Syndrome


not impressed
Auto-Brewery Syndrome: Apparently, You Can Make Beer In Your Gut

Auto-Brewery Syndrome: Apparently, You Can Make Beer In Your Gut : The Salt : NPR

A 61-year-old man — with a history of home-brewing — stumbled into a Texas emergency room complaining of dizziness. Nurses ran a Breathalyzer test. And sure enough, the man's blood alcohol concentration was a whopping 0.37 percent, or almost five times the legal limit for driving in Texas.

There was just one hitch: The man said that he hadn't touched a drop of alcohol that day.

"He would get drunk out of the blue — on a Sunday morning after being at church, or really, just anytime," says , the dean of nursing at Panola College in Carthage, Texas. "His wife was so dismayed about it that she even bought a Breathalyzer."

Larry Gude

Strung Out
This explains where Miller lite comes from; they just hire a bunch of homeless people, pop 'em with some antibiotics, then, give them a little concoction of saccharomyces cerevisiae and add water, lots and lots of water and, when they pee...viola! Miller lite!

Think of the cost savings! No brewery! No infrastructure to speak of. Just homeless people, some antibiotics and a bug and water!



Active Member
I am not a beer drinker...but I still found this interesting. I wonder why there are not many cases of it? (cases of the syndrome and not cases of beer! lol)

Larry Gude

Strung Out
I am not a beer drinker...but I still found this interesting. I wonder why there are not many cases of it? (cases of the syndrome and not cases of beer! lol)

Because, by and large, vastly so, the yeast, like so many other living things, simply passes through our systems. It's an extreme oddity that it could set up shop in this guys gut.
