Automatic Weapons: American vs. German


My real name.

Automatic Weapons: American vs. German

We know now as many people knew then - that the Germans had better tanks, better aircraft, better missiles, better hand grenades, better helmets, better soldiers, better Generals, better sea warfare as in submarines, better tactics, and more.

That old video claiming the American automatic weapon could be used better than the better German automatic weapon is a sad show.

The thing that the Germans lacked was that they had a crazy warmonger as their Dictator, and yet the Germans still could have won if Hitler had not invaded Russia which left open a two front war against Germany.

What the USA had better then the Germans was that the continental USA and our factories were too far away to be struck, and we had a larger population to draft new recruits, and we kept sending in more equipment from far away, so a better German tank had to face as many as ten (10) inferior tanks from the USA, just as we sent ten to one aircraft so that we simply out numbered their superior weapons.

Even the Allied attack on D-Day could have been lost if Hitler would have let his General Rommel to send the German reinforcement tanks into the fight - but history (and God) was against the Germans.



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PREMO Member
We know now as many people knew then - that the Germans had better tanks, better aircraft, better missiles, better hand grenades, better helmets, better soldiers, better Generals, better sea warfare as in submarines, better tactics, and more.

That old video claiming the American automatic weapon could be used better than the better German automatic weapon is a sad show.

The thing that the Germans lacked was that they had a crazy warmonger as their Dictator, and yet the Germans still could have won if Hitler had not invaded Russia which left open a two front war against Germany.

What the USA had better then the Germans was that the continental USA and our factories were too far away to be struck, and we had a larger population to draft new recruits, and we kept sending in more equipment from far away, so a better German tank had to face as many as ten (10) inferior tanks from the USA, just as we sent ten to one aircraft so that we simply out numbered their superior weapons.

Even the Allied attack on D-Day could have been lost if Hitler would have let his General Rommel to send the German reinforcement tanks into the fight - but history (and God) was against the Germans.


Yeah, but they screwed up just enough, dominated by a fascist just like the current admin, to lose it forever.

November 6, 2012.......

So sad, too bad. Not.