Blue Fox Cleaners in Prince Frederick, near Ledo Pizza and the new Outback Restaurant, should be avoided if you expect satisfactory cleaning or respectable customer service. We recently prepaid for three items, each with stains that should not have been difficult to remove. However, not only were the stains not removed, some of the garments were returned in worse condition than they were when we dropped them off. A brand new suit was ruined by a chemical the cleaners used in an attempt to remove a stain. No refund was offered and no apology was offered. In addition, the manager became defensive and irate when we questioned him about a refund and his policy on customer satisfaction. He informed us that we could take the matter to the Better Business Bureau or Small Claims Court. He showed no personal interest in our satisfaction with his service and he showed no interest in providing us with professional service. He screamed and ranted about how many years he's been in business and about how his customers are always satisfied. When we reminded him that we were not satisfied with his service he continued to scream about his qualifications. Has anyone had similar experiences with Blue Fox?