Avoiding a Lieberman Disaster


Habari Na Mijeldi
Avoiding a Lieberman Disaster by Robert D. Novak on Creators.com - A Syndicate Of Talent

WASHINGTON, D.C. -- Reports of strong support within John McCain's presidential campaign for Independent Democratic Sen. Joseph Lieberman as the Republican candidate for vice president are not a fairy tale. Influential McCain backers, plus McCain himself, would pick the pro-choice liberal from Connecticut if they thought they could get away with it. But they can't get away with it -- and this has been made clear to McCain by none other than Joe Lieberman himself.

Lieberman surely doesn't know that much about Republican politics, but he has close Republican friends. One of them prevailed on Lieberman to tell McCain that a McCain-Lieberman ticket would be a disaster for all concerned, and especially for the GOP.


New Member
If McCain picks a pro-abortion Vice-president he will lose the conservative base of the GOP. He will seal his loss.
People will vote Third Party of skip the Presidental vote. We still have Collins Bailey to vote for.

Larry Gude

Strung Out

If McCain picks a pro-abortion Vice-president he will lose the conservative base of the GOP. He will seal his loss.
People will vote Third Party of skip the Presidental vote. We still have Collins Bailey to vote for.

...that's been the debate; does he lose more on the right than he gains in the middle? To me, he never had the right anyway. I've seen where they think all they need is 90% of the GOP vote W got and they'll win it in the middle. He hasn't had me or people like me from the get go and he's done nothing but catch and now pass Obama.

Obama hasn't helped himself moving away from his base which he strongly had. McCain, I think, helps himself moving away from a base he never had.
