Baby dropping?


Do any of you remember what this feels like? Was it instantaneous or did it happen over time?

Also, I am very tired, I have been napping on and off all day.


Dream Stealer
oh THAT kind of baby dropping. i was concerned for a minute :killingme cant help ya..but i see from your av that you are close..I bet you're uncomfortable.. :( a friend or two of mine are a couple weeks out..the stuff mommies go through :)


Having Fun!
Do any of you remember what this feels like? Was it instantaneous or did it happen over time?

Also, I am very tired, I have been napping on and off all day.

I remember it as not really feeling anything very different, just people telling me, "oh you've dropped". I always knew I was close when I kept waking up at night & not able to get more than an hour or two of sleep at a time, with a back-ache. If you're tired, sleep! Your body is getting ready for all of those nights without sleep that are soon to come! :lmao:

By the way, I hope you've designated somebody as "official forum notification person" so we all know the important stuff when you do have the baby so we don't have to wait and wonder and worry!


Luvin Life !!!
Do any of you remember what this feels like? Was it instantaneous or did it happen over time?

Also, I am very tired, I have been napping on and off all day.

I felt it with my last child in 1999. I woke on a Thursday morning and when I went to work the insides of my upper thighs ached with pressure. I worked that day and then went and got my Christmas layaway and went home. I then went to my weekly shufflebowl game and ended up dancing with a very intoxicated man. I went home at 10 pm and woke up at 3am in labor. Baby born at 5am.


oh THAT kind of baby dropping. i was concerned for a minute :killingme cant help ya..but i see from your av that you are close..I bet you're uncomfortable.. :( a friend or two of mine are a couple weeks out..the stuff mommies go through :)
OH LORD, NO! :faint:

I remember it as not really feeling anything very different, just people telling me, "oh you've dropped". I always knew I was close when I kept waking up at night & not able to get more than an hour or two of sleep at a time, with a back-ache. If you're tired, sleep! Your body is getting ready for all of those nights without sleep that are soon to come! :lmao:

By the way, I hope you've designated somebody as "official forum notification person" so we all know the important stuff when you do have the baby so we don't have to wait and wonder and worry!

I remember that too, this is my 2nd and its been a while between the two.... I'll tell two forumites and have them post as they see fit... thanks for reminding me, I forgot.

Me so tired :yawn:


Do any of you remember what this feels like? Was it instantaneous or did it happen over time?

Also, I am very tired, I have been napping on and off all day.

I remember looking in the mirror and seeing that he dropped. I could completely tell by the way I was carrying. It seemed to happen overnight.

I was so hopeful that I'd go into labor soon after but nope.....4 weeks later I was induced, a week after my due date. :ohwell:


I felt it with my last child in 1999. I woke on a Thursday morning and when I went to work the insides of my upper thighs ached with pressure. I worked that day and then went and got my Christmas layaway and went home. I then went to my weekly shufflebowl game and ended up dancing with a very intoxicated man. I went home at 10 pm and woke up at 3am in labor. Baby born at 5am.

I read all these things and I swear none of them are going to prepare me.... signs like aching thighs and dancing

I can't believe your labor went that fast, I can only hope.

I think I may of felt more pressure.

That's what's going on rigt now BUT I don't feel any relief in my lungs and I still have heartburn.

I remember looking in the mirror and seeing that he dropped. I could completely tell by the way I was carrying. It seemed to happen overnight.

I was so hopeful that I'd go into labor soon after but nope.....4 weeks later I was induced, a week after my due date. :ohwell:

That happened to me with my first!

I think my due date is off..... this could be partially my fault with not keeping track of my cycle in Feb, when I became pregnant. I was in school, tired, sick, dealing with my son and working.... I lost track :banghead:


Are you dialating yet? I know you can be dialated a while before things get going but at least you would know some progress was getting made.


Loving My Life...
The last baby never dropped...Made me look like I was having twins, cause I was so big..... So I was told :lol:
