Back spasms


wandering aimlessly
My youngest (the dancer) had to be taken to Urgent Care last night because her back was spasming so badly she could barely breathe. She's complained the last two weeks about her lower back aching but this is up by the shoulder blade. She was in so much pain her pulse rate went up to 104 and blood pressure skyrocketed.
They put her on 800 mg Motrin and 10mg Flexeril which knocks out most people and she has barely been dozy. We're doing the 10 on 10 off ice therapy and trying to not stay in one position too long.
Any other ideas from those who've suffered through these?
I get spasm into my shoulder blades (both sides). Mine is caused by bone spurs on my neck aggravating the nerve cords. Therapy helps. Heat packs too.

Stress will also do it, tightening up. Is she under a lot of pressure right now?


wandering aimlessly
I get spasm into my shoulder blades (both sides). Mine is caused by bone spurs on my neck aggravating the nerve cords. Therapy helps. Heat packs too.

Stress will also do it, tightening up. Is she under a lot of pressure right now?
Not really pressure, but between her own routines and technique, plus teaching, she dances 6 days a week.
Xrays looked good and they did some nerve test - same sensation both sides so that was good.
Pain in on the right side on the inner edge of shoulder blade to the spine.

Ken King

A little rusty but not crusty
PREMO Member
Not really pressure, but between her own routines and technique, plus teaching, she dances 6 days a week.
Xrays looked good and they did some nerve test - same sensation both sides so that was good.
Pain in on the right side on the inner edge of shoulder blade to the spine.
I had painful spasms like that turned out to be my gallbladder.


I wanna be a SMIB
Everyone I know, knows how bad my back is. Im one of the lucky ones, good doctor that wont let me be in too much pain too long. I eat a bottle of percocets every month and eat Flexeril like they are candy. Flexeril is a 10 mg joke. I dont know how people say it makes them stupid, doesnt do squat for me.


wandering aimlessly
Everyone I know, knows how bad my back is. Im one of the lucky ones, good doctor that wont let me be in too much pain too long. I eat a bottle of percocets every month and eat Flexeril like they are candy. Flexeril is a 10 mg joke. I dont know how people say it makes them stupid, doesnt do squat for me.
Yeah I have a friend who takes 40mg regularly - high drug tolerance because she's in constant pain resulting from a car accident years ago.


New Member
Try massage therapy along with water therapy such as a jacuzzi if available. It stimulates the muscles.

We "may" be able to help if it is muscular. We never claim to be a "cure all" but it doesn't hurt to try and at the very least she'll have temporary relief. Keep up with the Motrin and muscle relaxers too!


wandering aimlessly
Try massage therapy along with water therapy such as a jacuzzi if available. It stimulates the muscles.

We "may" be able to help if it is muscular. We never claim to be a "cure all" but it doesn't hurt to try and at the very least she'll have temporary relief. Keep up with the Motrin and muscle relaxers too!
We may try that if it keeps up. Right now if you tried to touch it she screams in pain. Still she is doing a "little" better right now. Just a drugged up day. Tomorrow if she tries school she can't take the muscle relaxer in the morning and they won't let her have any medicine all day so I don't see it going well.


Methodically disorganized
eat Flexeril like they are candy. Flexeril is a 10 mg joke. I dont know how people say it makes them stupid, doesnt do squat for me.
A few months ago, I was on the same dose for a couple weeks. Prior to my first pill, a friend told me it knocked her out, so I was cautious. I was able to take it before work and felt barely affected.


I too suffer from pain issues due to a fall. I was told to alternate between cold and heat and moist heat works the best. I put a very damp towel in the microwave until it is HOT then take it out and wrap it in a dry towel and either lay on it or lay it on me (perfer the second). Also you have to relax when you do this so the muscle will loosen up. Hope she is feeling better and yes, if in enough pain fexril does nothing for lots of people.


Going back to the stars
My youngest (the dancer) had to be taken to Urgent Care last night because her back was spasming so badly she could barely breathe. She's complained the last two weeks about her lower back aching but this is up by the shoulder blade. She was in so much pain her pulse rate went up to 104 and blood pressure skyrocketed.
They put her on 800 mg Motrin and 10mg Flexeril which knocks out most people and she has barely been dozy. We're doing the 10 on 10 off ice therapy and trying to not stay in one position too long.
Any other ideas from those who've suffered through these?

I really like Biofreeze. It used to on be available at Chiropractors, Doctors and Spas, but I believe you can get it at any pharmacy now. I remember seeing it at St. John's Pharmacy a couple of months ago. It works great!!