Back Surgery



I'm supposed to be having my L5 S1 removed sometime soon. Right now I'm going through Calvert Orthopedics and Sports Medicine in Dunkirk, and Dr. Patel is my original doctor there. I advised him on Friday that I had been going to get the lumbar epidurals at Calvert Memorial and the second one I had has caused me extreme pain all over the left side of my body. He is referring me to Dr. Griffith to do my surgery. My question is has anyone experienced this type of surgery before and if so what can I expect leading up to and after the surgery?

I've had 3 surgeries on the L5-S1 joint over the course of quite a few years, first one back in the 80s. I didn't have a complete removal/fusion tho, I had a lamenectomy, which just removes enough of the disk to take the pressure off the nerve cord. My surgeons felt it best to not fuse as you loose too much bend and mobility. I'm happy they did that. I'm fine (until such time that I do something stupid and screw it up again...). Fully normal activities including back to riding my motorcycles.

I did the therapy and epidural route, and it helped somewhat, but there comes a point where those treatments just don't work and you need to get back to a normal life.

My surgeon here was in Alexandria, because I didn't really like the options at St Marys or Calvert. Procedures were done at George Washington in DC. The doc had me up and walking within 2-3 hours of coming out of the surgery, and home same day. Another advantage of the lamectomy vs disk removal/replacement/fusion.


Well-Known Member
whatever you do, get a second opinion. There is a orthapedic surgeon in Baltimore named Dr. Carbone who did my brothers recent surgery. He really liked him. Best of luck to you and you are wise to ask around. Back surgery is serious business.


Thanks for the replies... I've been in so much pain for the past year, after my first epidural back in November, I received minimal pain relief. My second one last month, has caused me very bad pain throughout my lower back, hip and thigh area and also my left foot. I went back to the doctor on Friday and told him that I can't bend all the way down, and can not sleep on my left side. I hope that this will help my back, I have considered getting a second opinion, but I would rather get this over with, then having something else seriously happen while I wait!
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Try Dr. Jemaris (Gemaris?) out of the Annapolis/Glen Burnie area. What ever you do - do get a second opinion from an independent source.

He operates out of So. MD in Clinton and North Arundel Hospital in Glen Burnie.

My son has his surgery there about three years ago - no problems since. North Arundel promotes their "Spine Center". I recommend both Dr. Jemaris and North Arundel Hospital very highly.

The hospital had my son come in the week before to take care of paper work and get all the explanations of what they would be doing. His surgery was scheduled for 10:30 AM, he was told to be at the Hospital at 9:00 AM. At about 9:30 they started prepping him and he went into surgery at 10:30.

He was in his room by 3:00 PM after recovery from the anesthesia. They promptly got him a meal, since he had not eaten since midnight. By 5:00 PM he was up and walking around. He came home the next morning, walked upstairs to his room. The only restrictions on him was no bending over, lifting, or driving for 2-3 weeks while his back healed from the incisions.


Well-Known Member
All I can say is my brother had surgery done by Dr. Griffith 2 years ago. We regret that we did not get a 2nd opinion on it before hand.
I've had 3 surgeries on the L5-S1 joint over the course of quite a few years, first one back in the 80s. I didn't have a complete removal/fusion tho, I had a lamenectomy, which just removes enough of the disk to take the pressure off the nerve cord. My surgeons felt it best to not fuse as you loose too much bend and mobility. I'm happy they did that. I'm fine (until such time that I do something stupid and screw it up again...). Fully normal activities including back to riding my motorcycles.

I did the therapy and epidural route, and it helped somewhat, but there comes a point where those treatments just don't work and you need to get back to a normal life.

My surgeon here was in Alexandria, because I didn't really like the options at St Marys or Calvert. Procedures were done at George Washington in DC. The doc had me up and walking within 2-3 hours of coming out of the surgery, and home same day. Another advantage of the lamectomy vs disk removal/replacement/fusion.

who was the dr?


Get some!
I am an OR nurse and have worked at Calvert, St. Marys. Anne Arundel and Now Georgetown in DC. Some of the docs at Calvert like Douglas and Sandhu are very good. They also go to Southern Maryland. The best I have worked with are the docs at AAMC. Any of them are wonderful. I see what no one else does so consider this an inside source and do with it what you will. I will tell you the surgery should be rather simple and you should be up walking soon after.


New Member
I'm supposed to be having my L5 S1 removed sometime soon. Right now I'm going through Calvert Orthopedics and Sports Medicine in Dunkirk, and Dr. Patel is my original doctor there. I advised him on Friday that I had been going to get the lumbar epidurals at Calvert Memorial and the second one I had has caused me extreme pain all over the left side of my body. He is referring me to Dr. Griffith to do my surgery. My question is has anyone experienced this type of surgery before and if so what can I expect leading up to and after the surgery?

I had an anterior laminectomy with fusion (this was a new procedure where they go through the abdomen instead of cutting open your back). L5S1. This was done in 1982 and required 3 surgeons (neuro, general and orthopedic). The results were fantastic but I don't think this procedure is done anymore due to having to take all organs out then put them back. My fusion lasted 26 years. Now the disc above it has ruptured (understand that this will happen eventually) and I will face another surgery when I can no longer bear the pain. It was done at Southern Maryland by Dr. Sharon Marselas and Dr. Gary Grover (can't remember the 3rd dr's name). I have been trying to locate Dr. Marselas since moving back here, but no luck. She was fantastic!!!! Good luck and hope all goes well.
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New Member
I had an anterior laminectomy with fusion (this was a new procedure where they go through the abdomen instead of cutting open your back). L5S1. This was done in 1982 and required 3 surgeons (neuro, general and orthopedic). The results were fantastic but I don't think this procedure is done anymore due to having to take all organs out then put them back. My fusion lasted 26 years. Now the disc above it has ruptured (understand that this will happen eventually) and I will face another surgery when I can no longer bear the pain. It was done at Southern Maryland by Dr. Sharon Marselas and Dr. Gary Grover (can't remember the 3rd dr's name). I have been trying to locate Dr. Marselas since moving back here, but no luck. She was fantastic!!!! Good luck and hope all goes well.
Husband goes to Anne Arundel (sp?) for several ortho problems. They are fantastic.


New Member
[I had a spinal fusion l4-5 s-1 in 2001 it was the most painful I have ever had in my life. Unfortunately the kadaver (sp) bone that was used was rejected by my back. I was scheduled for removal of the hardware in 2005 because of the pain and it wasnt determined until I was opened up the fusion did not take. This surgery was painful also but not the same as the first. I had Dr. Selya both times he is in capital orthopedics in Clinton, Bowie and Greenbelt he just handles spines and I just love him he is one of the most careing doctors I have seen.


Thanks to you all for all of your replies. I go to meet with the doctor next Tuesday in Dunkirk, to get a second opinion and he is also the doctor who will be performing the surgery if I do decide to get it. I think that the surgery will be the best thing for me right now, my back hurts so bad that I cry myself to sleep at night, I cant bend over or lay on my left side, I cant do anything that I want to anymore.


Wow.. I have a ruptured disc L4/L5 (or is it L5/S1?) area and have some sciatica issues on my one side.. but I still go to the chiro and stuff and it goes out from time to time if I do something I shouldn't have done.. and did see a surgeon I think up in Annapolis who basically said until I get to the point I can't walk they don't want to operate.. but listening to all this is like wow - am I gonna have to do all this later on ???


yeah I can't do anything anymore, I had to drop out of my EMT class on Tuesday, no more bowling, golf, no more detailing vehicles, and mine is especially dirty, it hurts to get up and out of my truck, I can't bend and twist to get in and out of cars, I havent been able to get a job due to my injury, they aren't willing to risk me getting hurt at their place of work. All I do is sit at home, listen to the scanner, and talk on here and myspace. I can't do anything around the firehouse, good thing that I'm an executive officer cuz all I do is paperwork, but I cant help out doing any fundraisers or anything that has me doing things. So right now I am willing to do anything that will make my back get better, whether its surgery or whatever


well heres the latest, I go for an MRI tonight at Pembrooke at 5:15pm, then go back to my doctor on Tuesday to schedule my surgery date. He told me Tuesday that I would be kept overnight at Calvert Memorial and be sent home the next day, I would be out for 3 to 6 weeks till I could go back to Light Duty and another 3 to 4 months to return to full duty, so all I can do is wait now!!! Wish me luck yalll....... PS I hope I have some nice cute nurses at Calvert!!!!