Bacon, eggs and...Football

Larry Gude

Strung Out
Must be Sunday AM.

How about a run down of the week, including some interesting games featuring coaches who haven't lost all their marbles...yet.

Baltimore giving 4 at Tennessee. This could be a surpise. How, exactly, is Baltimore going to score 4 points, let alone 5 to win? Tennesse covers.

Bills getting 2 1/2 at Tampa Bay. Does anyone care? Tampa made Dante look sick last week. Bucs win and cover.

Lions giving 1.5 at Chicago. EZ pick here. The vaunted Bears D gave up plenty on the ground last week and even if our running game is above average, I didn't see a secondary that can handle the Lions stable of stars.
Frankly, a field goal will do it and why is Orton gonna get anything done?
Lions cover and win.

Jax at Indy getting 9. Payton and crew have not hit their stride yet and Jacksonville is looking at a wild card this year. Colts might win but I'll take the 9.

Vikes giving 3 at Cincinnati. Should be a good game. I'll take the Bengals and three.

Pats giving three at Panthers. This is an early season 'yardstick' game, like Eagles/Falcons. I wouldn't give the Panthers an inch let alone 3 points. Game of the week? Panthers cover and out on the limb, they beat New England and announce that the Falcons are not alone in planning on displacing Philly.

Steelers give 6 at Houston. With the help of 'displaced' referees from N'awlins, Steelers don't cover but win a close one.

49'ers getting 13 at Philly. 13? Nobody gets 13 points in the NFL. Donovan is still hurting. Philly wins but doesn't cover. TO gets hurt by motivated ex-team mates.

Dirty Birds getting 1 at Seattle. Getting one? Hell, they're gonna win. Beating Philly last week was only step one. Home field is next.

Rams getting 1 at 'Zona. I'm sorry, but I have not seen enough from the Cardinals yet to think they're in a position to be giving anyone anything, especially the Pin Ball Wizards. Take the point plus Rams win.

Browns getting 6.5 at Green Bay. Stunner of the week. Green Bay does not cover and...and...and...Browns win!

Fish get 6 at Jets. Should be a good game. Jets have to get righted, right now. Dolphins have the guy Gibbs REALLY wanted for Monday night, Gus. And he is playing well enough to not give him 6. Jests win, don't cover.

Bolts get 3 at Broncs. Someone is high and I don't mean mile. How does the Chargers GET anything after losing a tough game last week? They're gonna stomp the Broncos and win outright. I LOVE AFC west games and there is one of the best matchups.

KC giving 1 at Oakland. This is the BEST AFC west matchup AND probably the best one in the NFL. KC has won the last four but overall they are tied right now, 42 wins each. It's what we wish that OTHER rivalry was but one team, ahem, has not been doing it's part to make it competitive. The easy pick is Chiefs BUT this is Raiders v. Chiefs:
Pick it.

New Orleans getting 3.5 at home against the the Meadowlands.
Who knows how long the storm devestation can keep the Saints up? Strtahan might not play, back spasms. I'll take the Saints and 3.5.

Washington getting 5.5 to 6 at Dallas. I'll take 6 and the Skins. I also say Redskins win if for no other reason than I'd rather eat crow about Brunnel and Gibbs than lose to THOSE PEOPLE plus the simple fact that, sooner or later, the Skins HAVE to win again against Dallas, if only by accident.

There's my football breakfast.
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"Typical White Person"
I agree..... Fatty of the week

SF and 13, that is alot of points. I think I'll be betting this, SF looked pretty good last week. Eagles win but not by 13, atleast I hope not!
Rams and Arizona looks like a good bet too, gotta agree Rams make this one a winner!
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"Typical White Person"
uh-o SF defense looks like butter early on, could be in big trouble. Philly has a 14 pt. head start as of now.

Larry Gude

Strung Out
Monday Morning QB...

Tenn wins: 1-0
Bucs win: 2-0
Lions get killed: 2-1
Colts don't cover: 3-1
Bengals win: 4-1
Panthers on my limb!: 5-1
Steelers cover and then some: 5-2
Nobody gets 13 points...can I get 39? Eagles : 5-3
Dirty Birds, dirty shame: 5-4
Rams do enough: 6-4
BROWNS WIN!!!: 7-4
Jets win AND cover: 7-5
Bolts stomp Broncs in a score less points fashion: 7-6
KC: I'll take that: 8-6

Not to shabby with two to go.

Now, going back over the games, let's look at the pre-game line which is set by the gambling houses based on what they need to do to get about equal dollars bet on both teams, which, I suposse, is another way of saying we, the people, set the line.

Ravens gave 4 to Titans, lost by 15 so the line should have been Ravens GET 19. Who wouldn't have taken that? Right now, the Ravens are a mediocre, at best, team. The line should reflect their offensive ineptitude next week.

Bills got 2 1/2 at Bucs. Needed 13 1/2 more. Who would not have taken THAT? Bills not as good as hoped, Bucs look better at 2-0.

Lions gave Bears 1 1/2. Shoulda been BEARS giving Lions 30 1/2. Everyone on the planet would have bet that. This is why it's called 'gambling'! What do the Lions do now? You can't get shelled by a division opponent like that. Maybe the Skins get an extra feather for pretty much handling the Bears all day last week? Sell your Lions stock.

Jacksonville. This is why the line gets people to bet. Indy is the better team, should win but you say, well, not 9 points better. And you win by losing by only 7. So far, only 1 out 4 games had a good line.

Yikes vs. Bengals. Minnesodah gives 3. They needed 27. The Vikings have got to be the shocker of the year so far. They're getting killed, 0-2.
You'd have mortgaged the house taking Dante and getting 27 points.

Pats. My big pick of the week along with the Browns over Green Bay. I'm sorry but this IS the NFL where parity is king and if you look at the Pats from the Snowball 'tuck rule' game against the Raiders which set them on their course to 3 Superbowl wins in 4 years and you look at how close the Superbowls themselves were, this 'Dynasty' has not been dominant at all like the real Dynasty's; the Steelers and the 49'ers and Cowboys. Those teams mauled people.

Point being, New England has excelled at reducing mistakes and taken advantage of opportunities and winning close games. That comes from coaching and they just lost BOTH coordinators. That has GOT to catch up with them.

Oh yeah; Pats gave 3, needed 10. That's off 13 points.

Steelers gave 6 in Texas. One of only two (Philly) where the giver could have given a BUNCH more. That's a sing of a real good team; smash the people you should smash.

49'ers. NOBODY gets 13 points. Not when you need 39. THIRTY NINE. Squash the bugs, sez I.

Atlanta rolls into Seattle getting one, ready to prove they are the new boss, but needed 3. Might we add another challenger to Philly?

I still don't know why the Rams GET 1 from the Cards. Arizona did have a shot at the end though...won by 5.

Browns get 6 1/2 at the Packers. They got that based on the past because I think the Packers are entering the post Favre era and it won't be pretty. Browns by 2.

Dolphins got 6. Needed 4 more. The Jets rebound.

Couldn't see Chargers getting 3. So, of course, I couldn't see them needing 3. The PERFECT game. (PS, the house still gets their commission though you don't get paid for ties)

KC giving 1 to Raider Nation. Could gave 5 more.

So, there we go. Not very many good lines now that the dust has settled.

Two to go.


Nothing to see here
Larry Gude said:
Lions gave Bears 1 1/2. Shoulda been BEARS giving Lions 30 1/2. Everyone on the planet would have bet that. This is why it's called 'gambling'! What do the Lions do now? You can't get shelled by a division opponent like that. Maybe the Skins get an extra feather for pretty much handling the Bears all day last week? Sell your Lions stock.

I was wondering if you noticed that..Detroit beats GB by 14 in week 1, then loses big to a Chicago team that only scored 7 last week..Guess its gonna take a few weeks to shake out the pretenders.

Larry Gude

Strung Out

otter said:
I was wondering if you noticed that..Detroit beats GB by 14 in week 1, then loses big to a Chicago team that only scored 7 last week..Guess its gonna take a few weeks to shake out the pretenders.

Detroit over GB is why I figured they'd handle the Bears but, I think it's more like the Lions handled a has been Pack and the Bears are only an experienced QB shy. I mean, really, Lions. What was I thinking?

I think it bodes well for both our D totally shutting down an up and comer that Orton may well be and says much about our offense moving the ball pretty good up until our QB got hurt and then still running well with a reserve behind center.



Nothing to see here
Larry Gude said:
Detroit over GB is why I figured they'd handle the Bears but, I think it's more like the Lions handled a has been Pack and the Bears are only an experienced QB shy. I mean, really, Lions. What was I thinking?

I think it bodes well for both our D totally shutting down an up and comer that Orton may well be and says much about our offense moving the ball pretty good up until our QB got hurt and then still running well with a reserve behind center.



Larry Gude

Strung Out
It's gonna be weird tonight...

I suspect you were Billy; I was ALL Sonny. I never rooted against Billy but was decidedly hopped up every time Sonny graced the field with his Royal presence but no one could ever question how hard Bill played, wounded ducks and all. Remember? He was forever coming off the field, bloody nose, disheveled uniform, looking like he just walked out of a car wreck. Jergy walks out there with his beer belly, Mr. Smooth...perfect spiral, every time...

I think the difference is George Allen. He walked that tightrope so well. I truly feel alienated by Gibbs and how he has handled 'my guy'. George never seemed to do that. You KNEW all he cared about was whatever guy could get it done. It was NEVER about George per se, just winning.

The way he, Allen, handled them, they were both always ready to do whatever they could do to help win. Teammates saw this, knew this. Gibbs has made this about HIMSELF and I'm just looking at Pat, how the hell does he hold a clip board without wondering when the hook is coming out? Sonny nor Bill ever wondered where they stood and no one on the team did either.

If (when) Mark struggles, what's Joe gonna do? Campbell? Call Brian Mitchell? He's dug this hole where it's farce to hand the ball to Ramsey.

"Here. I don't believe in you at all. Go save my ass."

I'll be rooting for them tonight with this malaise I've never felt before.

It is just so unnecessary.


Nothing to see here
Larry Gude said:
I suspect you were Billy; I was ALL Sonny.
No, it was all Sonny with me,too.

I never rooted against Billy but was decidedly hopped up every time Sonny graced the field with his Royal presence but no one could ever question how hard Bill played, wounded ducks and all. Remember? He was forever coming off the field, bloody nose, disheveled uniform, looking like he just walked out of a car wreck. Jergy walks out there with his beer belly, Mr. Smooth...perfect spiral, every time...
I still remember a game in the early 70s where Sonny came in in relief of Billy in the 4th qtr. against the Dolphins(I believe it was the first time we played them after losing to them in the superbowl). Sonny came in, threw a couple TDs for the win. I believe it was Ken Denlinger of the old Washington Star that wrote a piece on the following Monday talking about the Redhead..I remember the last line of the article...'and the ole redhead got into his mercedes outside of the stadium and rode off into the sunset"

I think the difference is George Allen. He walked that tightrope so well. I truly feel alienated by Gibbs and how he has handled 'my guy'. George never seemed to do that. You KNEW all he cared about was whatever guy could get it done. It was NEVER about George per se, just winning.

I think the move is all about winning..I was all about Ramsey coming into preseason, but, as I said before, he looks like he's playing scared. At this point, Brunnell is way to go, in my opinion, he looks confident and doesn't seem a half second slow in his decisions, like Ramsey does. I agree that Gibbs didn't handle the qb change well, but I have no idea what his reasoning is to yank the rug out from under Ramsey so quick. I'm still into the Gibbs koolade so I am not going to question the move.

The way he, Allen, handled them, they were both always ready to do whatever they could do to help win. Teammates saw this, knew this. Gibbs has made this about HIMSELF and I'm just looking at Pat, how the hell does he hold a clip board without wondering when the hook is coming out? Sonny nor Bill ever wondered where they stood and no one on the team did either.

Allen's greatest attibute was selling the team on his way of doing things. Helped also that both Sonny and Billy were vets and were willing to trust that Allen would get them to the playoffs.

If (when) Mark struggles, what's Joe gonna do? Campbell? Call Brian Mitchell? He's dug this hole where it's farce to hand the ball to Ramsey.

"Here. I don't believe in you at all. Go save my ass."

I'll be rooting for them tonight with this malaise I've never felt before.

It is just so unnecessary.

Ramsey is a class act and I believe he is not done here. If Mark struggles and Ramsey is called on, he will go in and play with a vengence. Who knows, maybe the benching will light a fire under him and he'll play like I think he is capable of and quit looking over his shoulder.

Larry Gude

Strung Out
My theory is that the Pats have come to the end of the line...

Bruzilla said:
Steelers! Steelers! Steelers!

...and it looks like Sunday at 4 we're gonna see, huh?

Then a bye and then the Chargers on MNF

Then Jags, Bengals twice, Ravens twice, Browns twice.

Colts on 11/28

Tough schedule.

Larry Gude

Strung Out
Giants cover...

...Redskins win outright!

9-7 for the week. Not to good.

We'll try a collaborative effort say, Thursday/Friday?


Larry Gude said:
My theory is that the Pats have come to the end of the line... and it looks like Sunday at 4 we're gonna see, huh?

I'm so glad to hear someone else say what I've been saying since last year. You can only squeek by so many times before the odds start catching up to you. When you're only winning by a point or two, the time when you're losing by a point or two ain't far behind. The Ravens learned that lesson after their back-in Super Bowl and now the Pats are going to learn it.