Bad news for Bruzilla



:bawl: :bawl: :bawl: :bawl: :bawl:

I just referenced Mr. Cope to the editor of the Jacksonville Florida Times Union. Some dumbass sports reporter there, Gene Frenette, is complaining about Jaguars coach Jack Del Rio's statements that Jacksonville sports reporters should be more pro-Jaguars. He feels that he owes it to his readers to be an impartial arbiter of NFL news and information. I told the editor that this idiot should go to work for ESPN, CBS, or Fox if he wants to cover the NFL. His job is to cover the Jaguars and he should be pro-Jags.

I also told the editor that they should look at all of the enthusiasm that sports reporters like Myron Cope have brought to the Steelers. Hell, Myron Cope's name is printed on every Terrible Towel ever made... and that's millions of towels! I felt embarassed for the Jags when they played the Steelers last December. There was more black and gold than torquise and gold to be seen in the stadium, and Steeler tailgaters outnumbered Jags by about four to one. The sports writers blamed lots of fans froim Pittsburgh, and a lack of enthusiastic Jags fans for the problem, but didn't bother to list their lack of enthusiasm and enthusiastic reporting as a part of the problem.

I think every team's hometown radio and tv station, and newspaper, should have biased reporters like Cope, Bob Prince, Steve Blass, and others that blatantly support their teams.

Larry Gude

Strung Out
Here, here...

I think every team's hometown radio and tv station, and newspaper, should have biased reporters like Cope, Bob Prince, Steve Blass, and others that blatantly support their teams.

The pretenciousness of these people who fancy themselves 'journalists' is just silly. They act like everything little thing that didn't turn out well for the home team is some sort of character flaw and when they insult the coaches intelligence and/or commitment they run and hide behind the 'just doing my job' dodge.

I love watching the Redskins shows that Sonny is on. At the end of each show, it's 'who do you like next week?'. Comes around to Sonny and he makes a case for our heros; Redskins by 1, 10 or 100.