Bad sleep may predict Alzheimer's


Lawful neutral

Problems sleeping may be an early sign of Alzheimer's if a study in mice also applies to people, say researchers.

Clumps of protein, called plaques, in the brain are thought to be a key component of the illness.

A study, published in the journal Science Translational Medicine, showed that when plaques first developed, the mice started having disrupted sleep.


Active Member
I must have had the plaque since birth, because I've never been able to sleep through the night. So I think the study is BS. JMO


New Member
I can fall asleep anytime anywhere. Guess I'm never going to lose my marbles.

That's just like my hubby he can sleep anytime anywhere. No lie 2 seconds after his eyelids close he is snoring lol... I wish I could fall asleep so quickly. My minds like flipping a remote on the TV.Thinking about the past present and future.