Baghdad Blinken on Afghanistan: ‘This Is Manifestly Not Saigon’ All Over Again


Beloved Misanthrope
PREMO Member
Secretary of State Antony Blinken said Sunday on ABC’s “This Week” that while video shows military helicopters facilitating the rapid evacuation of U.S. personnel from the U.S. embassy in Kabul, it was “manifestly not Saigon.”

Guest host Jon Karl said, “An internal document that went out to embassy personnel instructed American personnel at the embassy to reduce the amount of sensitive information on the property. It also said, please include items with embassy logos, American flags, or items which could be misused in propaganda efforts. Clearly, the concern is that the Taliban — this is also I assume why you’re relocating people to the airport — that the Taliban would overwhelm and take over the embassy compound.”



Beloved Misanthrope
PREMO Member
Biden Administration Deploys Elite Squad Of TikTok Influencers To Stop Taliban

According to sources on the ground, Benny Drama was the first to land, right in the middle of a group of Taliban mujahidin.

"Heeeey girlfriends!" he said. "Whatcha all doin'? Y'all better stop this, honey! This is the patriarchy! And maybe juuuuust a touch homophobic?"

He then did a little dance in front of them and posted the video to TikTok before being immediately thrown off a building.



Well-Known Member

I guess what I notice most is what I see all the time.

If you've ever watched "The Empire Strikes Back" you know the most oft used line - used for COMEDIC effect is -

"It's not my fault".

To the Dems - it's NEVER my fault. On the very rare occasion someone DOES own up, they say "I take full responsibility" and then fight like hell as if to say "Hey, I took responsibility - now never bring it up AGAIN!".

FIRST - their answer was "well it was TRUMP's PLAN anyway, so don't blame us for stuff screwing up".
No - you're in charge. You decide. And what he planned ISN'T what you did.
THEN - it was "well they just wouldn't fight for their country". Sure. Blame the Afghans. Blame anyone.

I don't think any other country is going to look to the U.S. to help them now.


Active Member
Secretary of State Antony Blinken said Sunday on ABC’s “This Week” that while video shows military helicopters facilitating the rapid evacuation of U.S. personnel from the U.S. embassy in Kabul, it was “manifestly not Saigon.”

Guest host Jon Karl said, “An internal document that went out to embassy personnel instructed American personnel at the embassy to reduce the amount of sensitive information on the property. It also said, please include items with embassy logos, American flags, or items which could be misused in propaganda efforts. Clearly, the concern is that the Taliban — this is also I assume why you’re relocating people to the airport — that the Taliban would overwhelm and take over the embassy compound.”

Get the personnel OUT..Then destroy the entire complex..don't leave ANYTHING behind that can be used for ANYTHING. GET the. HELL out and blast it kingdom come!!!


Well-Known Member
Tell me I am wrong. Biden removed approximately 3,000 troops from Afghanistan.
Now 3,000 troops could not hold against the Taliban anyway so why did their removal start this whole thing?

My answer is that once Biden made this stupid move it sent them the message that Biden would not do anything when they took over.
They knew Trump was no longer President they knew Trump would do what had to be done to keep Afghanistan out of Taliban hands.
They knew Biden was a wimpy mentally ill old grifter who was all mouth and no show.
Meanwhile he is hiding out at Camp David drooling all over everything , and wondering what is going on.

And this dipstick is saying this isn't Saigon.
It isn't. It's worse.
Russia and China are staying there with their embassies and that tells me they are supplying arms and money to the Taliban.
As far as i know one of the big problems now is getting those 6,000 Biden sent --back from there.


Well-Known Member
Get the personnel OUT..Then destroy the entire complex..don't leave ANYTHING behind that can be used for ANYTHING. GET the. HELL out and blast it kingdom come!!!

I said that Months ago. Destroy every building and every thing we took there Burn the Poppy fields and get the hell out.
Now we need to drop a dozen block buster on Bagram and any other airfield there destroy the Poppy fields ,and send in the A010s to strafe everything that moves.
Won't happen Remember when we invaded Europe on D day and everyone was afraid to awaken Hitler?
Now we have Afghanistan being taken over and why wake up Biden, , he doesn't have clue anyway.
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Visualize whirled peas
PREMO Member

I guess what I notice most is what I see all the time.

If you've ever watched "The Empire Strikes Back" you know the most oft used line - used for COMEDIC effect is -

"It's not my fault".

To the Dems - it's NEVER my fault. On the very rare occasion someone DOES own up, they say "I take full responsibility" and then fight like hell as if to say "Hey, I took responsibility - now never bring it up AGAIN!".

FIRST - their answer was "well it was TRUMP's PLAN anyway, so don't blame us for stuff screwing up".
No - you're in charge. You decide. And what he planned ISN'T what you did.
THEN - it was "well they just wouldn't fight for their country". Sure. Blame the Afghans. Blame anyone.

I don't think any other country is going to look to the U.S. to help them now.
You mean "What difference – at this point, what difference does it make?"


Well-Known Member
You mean "What difference – at this point, what difference does it make?"

It's just that it's always the other guy's fault. The REALLY unbelievable one is that it's the Republican's idea to DEFUND THE POLICE.
Even while these regrettable remarks are STILL BEING SPOKEN by Democrats.

Coming in at runner-up is that it's Trumpers who are refusing the vaccine.
Yeah, Trump's most lasting legacy, a vaccine his opponents ridiculed and his adversaries said could NOT BE DONE in a year.
Turns out the demographics don't agree - POC's are the ones refusing the vaccine. It's gonna be embarrassing when blacks and Hispanics can't return to work because they can't prove they got the shot.

But this one - this one is just candy ass wimpy stuff. They blame it on Trump - again.
No? Oh ok, plan B, blame it on the Afghanis.
No? Gosh, I didn't have a plan C.


Beloved Misanthrope
PREMO Member