Thanks! No problem, download it and mess with it to your heart's content
in fact, here's a link to the original so you can see how underexposed it was. Also was probably at F6.3 for this shot. I use Photoshop CS3 and Adobe Camera Raw. Mostly Adobe Camera Raw adjustments and just minor sharpening and curves in CS3.
Thanks Kurt and I'm sorry I took so long. I was having some issues with the "print screen" button in photoshop so that I could get the screen grabs for ya. Thanks also for posting the original, but when I took the jpg in ACR and played with fill light and the rest of the gizmos I got a pretty similar I went ahead and just editted for the version you posted. My nitpicks were small because your picture is awesome!!
First are you familiar with thresholds in PS and how you can use them to find the black and white points of a picture?
First I went to Image -->Adjust-->Threshold and I took the slider down so that the whole image was white, then slowly brought it back up until I got a concentration of black. I marked this spot with cntrl + click. That's where the number one is, it's the spot on your picture closest to black. Next to find white I just took the slider alway the way up so that the image was black and slowly dragged it back until I had a concentration of white. I knew one would be the almost highlight by the head, so I marked it and a second "white" spot.
After they're marked hit cancel, you don't want to save the threshold, but it will save where you clicked with those little markers. Next I opened a new curves layer and used the eye droppers on the curve screen to select a black point and one of the white points. This brought down the shadows on the body a little more than I wanted to I painted back in some detail with a grey brush on the body in a layer mask.
Now, the only thing bugging me is the blue CA on the wing...I ran an action I have to remove color fringing, but that didn't get all of it (as you can see) so I opened a hue saturation level. I colorized to a brown and did a fair amount of desaturation and I masked anything I didn't wanted effected. I also played with opacity on this level, to keep the color there that was supposed to be there, so notice that the hue/sat level is at 47%.
My edited version with the threshold points visible for you.
Original Editted Version-