
Well-Known Member
lets see here...

the woc states attorneys in baltimore city and prince george's county have called news outlets and announced, at the same time, that they have "blacklisted" some police officers from testifying in court because of alleged credibility issues. "they be lyin'..."

i'm sure many other prosecutors will announce lists now that timing is essential . you know, due to sacrificial lamb Floyds unfortunate passing which created the new reform of policing.

now, these officers will not have their names released , nor will they face charges of perjury.
is this a smear campaign against all officers like the invisible threat of some virus'?
maybe some collusion by urban attorneys?
is it another ploy to defund police?
are there this many lying police officers?
was lowering the standards and "modifying " hiring standards not such a good idea??
can they identify the racial and gender make up of the officers?

The ACLU and defense attorneys are demanding the officers identity. What are these prosecutors going to do now??

I know, call Jack Johnson


PREMO Member
Given the levels of corruption in these counties, I'm not surprised, but they are trying keep a lid on things so they don't have to let a bunch of criminals loose ...... but one has to ask, if these police officers are really that corrupt, shouldn't the DA's be reviewing EVERY case