Forming your hand into an 'OK' shape by touching the tips of your thumb and index finger, then splaying your other fingers out is said to be a racist symbol.
That is because the splayed fingers may appear to form the letter W, while the index finger and thumb can be seen to form the tip of a P, with those initials standing for 'white power.'
This is the type of bull$hit people come up with when they have too much free time on their hands.
ya know, rumors are that the "peace sign" (mannnnnnnnnnn), is a sexual predatorS sign for vagina.
Guess that makes you racist tooMy father was famous for his double peace sign. He always drove with his hands at 11 and 1, hunched over the steering wheel, a More cigarette dangling from his mouth, and if he recognized you on the road, you got 2 peace signs.
Friends still talk about it.
Presumably the original concept that it is racist was a MADE UP MEME to see if people were STUPID ENOUGH to believe it.