Barbara Streisand calls for Bush impeachment


Super Genius
What an idiot...
If there was ever a time in history to impeach a President of the United States, it would be now. In my opinion, it is two years too late. We should have done this before the election to spare the country the misjudgment, the incompetence and the malfeasance of this administration.
So Babs, ummmm, what has Bush done that is illegal? :popcorn:


Would THIS face lie?
Need to put her and Janie Fonda in a big bag with some cement blocks and dump em both...They both just want to be in the spotlight....

Ken King

A little rusty but not crusty
PREMO Member
Dupontster said:
Need to put her and Janie Fonda in a big bag with some cement blocks and dump em both...They both just want to be in the spotlight....
:yeahthat: Why couldn't they have married Scott Petersen? :biggrin:


Would THIS face lie?
Ken King said:
:yeahthat: Why couldn't they have married Scott Petersen? Or O.J.! :biggrin:

See, I was being nice...I just wanted to drown them....You all wanted something a little more violent.... :whistle:


New Member
BREAKING NEWS!!!!!! Babs Streisand has been contacted by FEMA for permission to use her nose as a temporary shelter for 4-5 homless famlies.

Ken King

A little rusty but not crusty
PREMO Member
Mikeinsmd said:
BREAKING NEWS!!!!!! Babs Streisand has been contacted by FEMA for permission to use her nose as a temporary shelter for 4-5 homless famlies.
Can you imagine the heating costs for that? I bet the updraft is stronger then the winds of Katrina. :biggrin:


New Member
Ken King said:
Can you imagine the heating costs for that? I bet the updraft is stronger then the winds of Katrina. :biggrin:

She's so full of hot air, I wouldn't worry about heating costs...


I gotta give some :clap: to Babs as that's one intricately worded memo! She goes to great lengths to tell the truth, but not the whole truth. This memo should be required reading for all Republicans. This is also the first time that I've heard a Lib mention coalition deaths, but they're still not bothering to count Iraqi Security Force deaths as that would add too much nobility to the argument.

I thought her most interesting point was: "With the recent controversy surrounding the potential indictments and charges of perjury against senior members of the Bush administration, some have made comparisons to the perjury charge that was brought against President Clinton. Perjury under any circumstance is wrong. However, in President Clinton’s situation, the matter was concerning an issue that only adversely affected himself and his family." A typical Lib view of "it's always wrong, but it's not always wrong"


New Member
My favorite has to be:

This President will go down as the worst president in American history. His administration ignored and neglected the threats before 9/11.
:confused: Why doesn't she mention the 8 years of funding neglect to the military and surveillance community by the great and powerful "Clinton"?

What a TOOL! :coffee:


Routinely Derailed
Of course she's really qualified to make such judgments and statements. :rolleyes:

I look at it this way: imagine a winter day when the local temperature is above freezing, and it starts snowing. If it snows hard enough, it will accumulate just a little in the grassy areas, making the go-home-early folks rush away from the office.

The liberals are trying the same type of effect via their tactics, since pushing their point home with the truth won't work (not enough facts are on their side). So enough little smears and rumors and things, the liberals hope, and the national opinion will swing in their direction.

The problem is, their tactics appear to be working among some segments of the population (I haven't been one of those polled that now say Mr. Bush isn't honest, for instance, but some folks apparently believe that now).

Entertainers and liberal arts professors appear to be great sources of tools for broadcasting this type of stuff. Fans are fans, and some will accept and support anything their idols say, right or wrong. I've stopped listening to or reading the comments of entertainers (and some authors) when they say anything off the set or outside a story, which is a shame, because we have had exceptions to the liberal line like Mr. Reagan, Mr. Schwartzenegger (sp?), Mr. Heston, and others.

Who do conservatives have to conter the liberal voices? Elected officials, financiers, and religious leaders. We're too boring, I suppose, for the masses.


Dupontster said:
Need to put her and Janie Fonda in a big bag with some cement blocks and dump em both...They both just want to be in the spotlight....
Guess you noticed Janie opened up her Vietnam era bag of tricks and started her crap again.


Super Genius
Wow, what a surprise...I got uncommented red karma for this thread. :rolleyes:

As usual, the person who did it is too stupid/chickensh!t to actually come on here and debate the facts... :dork:


Routinely Derailed
ylexot said:
Wow, what a surprise...I got uncommented red karma for this thread. :rolleyes:

As usual, the person who did it is too stupid/chickensh!t to actually come on here and debate the facts... :dork:
Didn't get it from me, I assure you.