Barter Kings..


I bowl overhand
Anyone watch it??

I found it interesting as one of the "Kings" has Tourettes.. Granted there is nothing funny about the disease, but it's fun to watch how he's learned to deal with it.

Mostly he reacts when he's nervours, and does the finger snapping thing from the 80s and 90s along with some kind of vocalization (not sure of the words he uses, but their aren't bad words)..

BUT last weeks show he showed how certain sounding words can set him off.. The word artwork for example, apparently has the PERFECT sound as every time he heard it he had to instantly repeat it with a LOT of emphasis, and very high pitch on the first syllable.. ARTwork.. snap, snap, snap.. and they bartered for a picture they had to get appraised.. and of course they HAD to say artwork ARTwork.. snap snap snap.. and the appraiser had to notice and say.. WOW! You really like artwork.. ARTwork, snap snap snap..

I KNOW it's mean, and uncalled for, but damn.. sit behind him at church and at the most Inopportune times whisper.. "artwork" just loud enough for him to hear.. or at a wedding.. You get the picture..

Now I have to watch just to see what else we discover..


Jus Chillin...
Watched some last night, they were trying to get an 8k advertisement at the minor league ball clubs park for firework night in Arizona (I guess that's where they are)

He started with a $150 CB radio, traded up for a $600 drill, traded up for 2 Alpaca's ($500 each), traded up for something else, then ended up with an aerospace collection which he traded for an autographed game worn Cal Ripken Jr helmet which he traded for the advertisment :lol:

It was neat watching it though.