Baseball Salaries


New Member
With the Nationals opening game today, I was reading this article and just thought i would share. Very interesting to see what some players are getting paid. I love how "underpaid" is only in the lower millions, haha. I guess its all relative.

MLB's most overpaid and underpaid players


"Typical White Person"
LOL, and # 2 Eric Milton played with us on the good 'ol Calvert Legion team for some tournaments in the early 90's. Wish I was makin $9.8 million a year I could give up 40-some homers too.


New Member
It is down right ridiculous what professional athletes are being paid. We have some of the finest teachers in this area leaving to go elsewhere because we can't pay them enough, some of the finest police officers, etc... etc... etc.... I am a fireman myself and get paid well considering how long I have been doing it and so on, but why would any ONE person need several million a year just to play a sport???? The line needs to be drawn somewhere, no wonder there is so much defecit in our economy, just one of the many things that money is down right wasted on!!! Just my two cents.


Lem Putt
Larry Gude said:

...last years team salaries.

Yanks: $200 mil
Tampa Bay: $29 mil

All teams: About $2.2 billion for players salaries last year.

That's equivalent to each man, woman and child forking over about $7.30 to baseball salaries.
I had to look it up, and do the math myself. Damnit Larry, you are right! We, the public, pretty much suck for donating that much money to people who play for a living.


Livin' Like Thanksgivin'
big_poppa said:
It is down right ridiculous what professional athletes are being paid. We have some of the finest teachers in this area leaving to go elsewhere because we can't pay them enough, some of the finest police officers, etc... etc... etc.... I am a fireman myself and get paid well considering how long I have been doing it and so on, but why would any ONE person need several million a year just to play a sport???? The line needs to be drawn somewhere, no wonder there is so much defecit in our economy, just one of the many things that money is down right wasted on!!! Just my two cents.
Supply and demand. There's a good side and a bad side to a capitalist economy, with the good far outweighing the bad, but I wouldn't have it any other way.

Maybe if we made being a teacher or policeman into a spectator sport? :shrug:

Larry Gude

Strung Out
My inate humility makes this difficult...

MMDad said:
I had to look it up, and do the math myself. Damnit Larry, you are right! We, the public, pretty much suck for donating that much money to people who play for a living.

...but I am compelled to ask...did you honestly expect otherwise?

Anh. Who cares? I have not been to a ML baseball game since Memorial Stadium and I have ZERO desire to go to one now. We catch the Keyes or Suns once in awhile and it's no more than a diversion, something to do when you're running low on ideas. The kids could run around and not have to worry about physcos killing one another for a foul ball nor do we have to listen to some lawyer sitting their drunk out of his mind "You ####ING SUCK, ump, you fat piece of ####ing ####!" (the same guy goes to Skins games but he is yelling that amidst the nosie of a football game, not piercing the otherwise placid atmosphere of a ball game when not much is going on, which is all the time.)

So, the people who still enjoy MLB, by all means.

Larry Gude

Strung Out
Hold up...

sleuth said:
Supply and demand. There's a good side and a bad side to a capitalist economy, with the good far outweighing the bad, but I wouldn't have it any other way.

Maybe if we made being a teacher or policeman into a spectator sport? :shrug:

ML baseball is granted an exclusive right not available to you and I. It is a monopoly and, as such, the owners are protected from competition which means they make way more than they would otherwise which means everything associated with it is going to be out of real world supply and demand whack.