

art imitating life
I hate Hulas and in no way would I want to promote that bar.. but... Battery is playing there Friday and I CANT WAIT to go see them. I fully intend to drink a few beers before I get there so I dont have to wait for bad service BUT I'm soooo excited to see them!!! Anyone going?


pretty black roses
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I had my fill of live music for a little bit after last night.

Kelb, while at the bashing of Hula's... you forget to meniton that the AC system doesn't work... so its going to be very hot indoors, with it being Sunny in 70's on Friday. Its going to be a HOT one indoors.

But I am sure other will be here to complain about the bar, too... Last time I counted it was a 8-10:1 ratio of "hate to like" of that place. (do a search and you'll see)

I'll be at Brewski's in Loveville checking out "Matt Garrett, Justin Myles and Vince Lawson Trio" playing a few of tunes.


I hate Hulas and in no way would I want to promote that bar.. but... Battery is playing there Friday and I CANT WAIT to go see them. I fully intend to drink a few beers before I get there so I dont have to wait for bad service BUT I'm soooo excited to see them!!! Anyone going?

Why would you go if you hate the place? I get the band deal but still...


art imitating life
Kelb, while at the bashing of Hula's... you forget to meniton that the AC system doesn't work... so its going to be very hot indoors, with it being Sunny in 70's on Friday. Its going to be a HOT one indoors.

But I am sure other will be here to complain about the bar, too... Last time I counted it was a 8-10:1 ratio of "hate to like" of that place. (do a search and you'll see)

I'll be at Brewski's in Loveville checking out "Matt Garrett, Justin Myles and Vince Lawson Trio" playing a few of tunes.

OH GREAT! :duh:


art imitating life
I was there 2-3 wks ago and ran a tab. They never ran my card! 70 bucks of drinks - FREEEEEE :alkies: :lmao:


Last time I was there this ditzy blonde was to busy fluffing her boobs and brushing her hair to wait on me. The bar was soooo busy and she was staring at herself in a mirror and serving the men around me. UGH that makes me mad! I fully plan on drinking before I get tehre. Plus I'm sure there is a 10 dollar cover tonight.


They're out to get us

Last time I was there this ditzy blonde was to busy fluffing her boobs and brushing her hair to wait on me. The bar was soooo busy and she was staring at herself in a mirror and serving the men around me. UGH that makes me mad! I fully plan on drinking before I get tehre. Plus I'm sure there is a 10 dollar cover tonight.

I was about to say, I've never had a problem getting a drink there before! :lol:


New Member
I was there 2-3 wks ago and ran a tab. They never ran my card! 70 bucks of drinks - FREEEEEE :alkies: :lmao:

That happened the other night at the Door. I went to the bar with $30. I had my money in my hand for the beer and tacos. It was our first round of each so I know I wasn't :otter:

I even thought I paid but I guess I never did because when I got home I still had $30.


All Up In Your Grill

Last time I was there this ditzy blonde was to busy fluffing her boobs and brushing her hair to wait on me. The bar was soooo busy and she was staring at herself in a mirror and serving the men around me. UGH that makes me mad! I fully plan on drinking before I get tehre. Plus I'm sure there is a 10 dollar cover tonight.

The times I've been in there, I've dealt with the same crap. I even told her that I thought she had nice boobies and it still didn't help me get served any faster. :ohwell: