BC problems.


New Member
ok, i've tried the pills, depo shot, even the patch....w/ all of these i've had my hair start falling out...REALLY BAD. they made my hairline start receeding. has anyone else dealt w/ this? and if u have did u find something that didn't do this???


Well-Known Member
fumanfyter said:
ok, i've tried the pills, depo shot, even the patch....w/ all of these i've had my hair start falling out...REALLY BAD. they made my hairline start receeding. has anyone else dealt w/ this? and if u have did u find something that didn't do this???

Have you talked to your doctor about this?


New Member
You should consider seeing an endocronologist, they can test your hormone levels to see what your body needs. I strongly recommend Dr. Julie O'Keefe. She is with Calvert Internal Medicine, it will take a while to get into see her but she is well worth the wait. Her number is 301-855-1644. She is located at Calvert Memorial Hospital Office building.


New Member
Have you asked about Nuva ring. I think it has much lower doses of hormones, being that the delivery method is so direct. I used it for 6 months and really liked it.


Bookseller Lady
Have you considered non-hormonal methods? IUDs are actually quite safe so long as you don't have any preexisting conditions.


fumanfyter said:
ok, i've tried the pills, depo shot, even the patch....w/ all of these i've had my hair start falling out...REALLY BAD. they made my hairline start receeding. has anyone else dealt w/ this? and if u have did u find something that didn't do this???

I've been on the Mirena IUD since November of 2005. I had been on the pill previously as well as the depo shot. The Mirena IUD delivers the hormones only to your uterus so you don't actually end up with the hormone in your bloodstream, which lessens the chances for side effects other than not getting your period. I love my IUD.


New Member
i haven't talked to my doctor about it because every time i call about the problem i get the nurse practitioner...and she keeps tryin to tell me to try each time for 3 mos, cause usually after 3 mos everything levels out blah blah, i dont really kno what the IUD or nuvaring does, but im about to make an actual appointment w/ my doctor so i can actually talk to her instead of the nurse. and if it was down there that was going bald i wouldn't be complaining!