Beach Party on the Square in Leonardtown today!


The Beach Party which was sceduled for Saturday, is happening today, Sunday, August 15 from 4 until 9 pm. (if the weather holds out). It should be lots of fun! There will be music and lots of vendors. Hope to see you there!


Originally posted by RoseRed
What's the status now that it has been raining?

You know, for the past hour, radar has shown a nasty storm overhead. I ran out, cut the grass, and it starting sprinkling. I put the mowers away, came in the house, and it still isn’t raining here, but it looks like down where you are is getting some pretty good rain.

Honestly, I think I am looking at the wrong spot on the radar map. :dork: I think my house is in the center of St. Mary's County, but I am just not sure. It is strange, because at the old house, I knew my house was right next to the P.G./Charles County line.


Beach party cancelled

Originally posted by RoseRed
What's the status now that it has been raining?

I posted this elsewhere, but I was informed about a half hour ago that it is cancelled. Bummer!
