Beach Party


Darwin was right
unixpirate said:
Leonardtown Sq.

4-9 today

My wife and grandson went and were back within about 20 minutes. Sounds like it has gone to the profiteers. My grandson said there was nothing there to interest him (and he has gone in the past and really enjoyed it). Cotton Candy was $3.00. They were there at around 5 PM, so I hope it got better as the evening wore on. :rolleyes:


off the shelf
GopherM said:
My wife and grandson went and were back within about 20 minutes. Sounds like it has gone to the profiteers. My grandson said there was nothing there to interest him (and he has gone in the past and really enjoyed it). Cotton Candy was $3.00. They were there at around 5 PM, so I hope it got better as the evening wore on. :rolleyes:

17 yr old just got back for there....he said he wasn't impressed either


Well-Known Member
we had a blast! then again, it doesn't take much to amuse a 2 year old. spent a lot of time playing in the spray from the fire truck.


Pitty Party
onebdzee said:
17 yr old just got back for there....he said he wasn't impressed either

Same with my 19 yr old and his g/f. I was heading out when he was coming home, he said it was boring, so I went to Dorsey with the Pup instead. :yay:


My wife an I just got back from the beach party. I was an OK destination for a nice ride from the Dorf on the bike. I would not expect the teens to like it much since it was organized, full of families and little kids and no punk rock or rap.
They did have imported sand for the big sand box and volleyball, a couple of bands, fire truck water shower, face painting, holla hoop contest, magician, guy on stilts juggling, guy on a unicycle, car show with the corvette club display, wine tasting, a kick butt double dutch jump rope team, and lots of food. We enjoyed watching the kids bust a gut laughing and having a good time and I got to eat one of my favorite fair foods... Italian Sausage with peppers and onions, from Sunshine Catering....... yum. The Pit Beef and lemonade was good to.

Those of you that have little kids or grand kids missed a good time.


I had an ok time... I had funnel cake, which always makes a festival. Well that and cheese curds, but you guys don't have that around here (although if you ever find yourself at the MN state fair, you'll see just how popular this item is as lines stretch for nearly a block sometimes)

I met a new friend too, which always makes my day. I blame it on the "homosexual homing beacon" in my chest. I love my gay boys.


kris31280 said:
I had an ok time... I had funnel cake, which always makes a festival. Well that and cheese curds, but you guys don't have that around here (although if you ever find yourself at the MN state fair, you'll see just how popular this item is as lines stretch for nearly a block sometimes)

I met a new friend too, which always makes my day. I blame it on the "homosexual homing beacon" in my chest. I love my gay boys.
So you've met Andy Marquis already?


flyingdog said:
I sure hope your new friend doesn't mind you telling the world about him.
He's not exactly a closet case... I think his exact words were "I don't care who knows because it's pretty obvious and they just need to get over it."


New Member
kris31280 said:
He's not exactly a closet case... I think his exact words were "I don't care who knows because it's pretty obvious and they just need to get over it."

I think I saw Ian.....Did he have a murse?

We had a fine time. Kiddo had fun, she got two six flags tickets from Frank Dawson. :getdown: So, now I have to take her to six flags :lol:


Darwin was right
kris31280 said:
He's not exactly a closet case... I think his exact words were "I don't care who knows because it's pretty obvious and they just need to get over it."

:jerry: Brings a whole new meaning to the term, "Family Outing."


Tina2001aniT said:
I think I saw Ian.....Did he have a murse?

We had a fine time. Kiddo had fun, she got two six flags tickets from Frank Dawson. :getdown: So, now I have to take her to six flags :lol:
If murse=Man Purse then yes ;c)

And depending on what time you saw him, I'd be the chick with the spikey hair in back and multi-colored hair in front (I had my sister in law do my hair 2 days after I got here... it was driving me insane!)


Well-Known Member
thought I'd share

some pictures:


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