Beauty Tubes Mascara?

Sweet 16

I went to high school with a girl who had those creepy, thick, spider-leg lashes, every single day. They looked like giant black tubes.


33 yrs & we r still n luv
Anybody try this? It looks freaky. It would be cool if it worked.

I use it. I like it. Comes off very easy with plain water (which is good 4 me cause I have really dry skin and psoriasys (sp?) from head to toe(s)). Your not old enough to remember, but there was a time when a "peel off eye liner" was the ####s. Reminds me of that product. Drawback: I will not use this product when the humidity is high. I *sweat* too much in the facial area when it is deep into So. Md. summer...... Back to waterproof then.....


art imitating life
Anybody try this? It looks freaky. It would be cool if it worked.

I use it and I really like it. I wish they could perfect it and make it lengthening and thickening.My lashes are so thin. :frown:


New Member
I might have to try this. Even a little extra length might help my puny lashes.

Is it very expensive?


:Jeepin' in NC:
I might have to try this. Even a little extra length might help my puny lashes.

Is it very expensive?

Beauty Tubes is just a regular mascara you get in the store so its probably not any more than any other mascara.